Teijo Murtovaara teijo.murtovaara at netikka.fi
Sat Nov 30 16:46:49 EST 2013

SSB-osaa heikommista keleistä ja tekniikkaongelmista huolimatta jokunen 
kuso kertyi lokiin. DX:t olivat lujassa 80m:llä ja 160m:llä. 
Merkillepantavaa oli joidenkin silmitön koolaaminen TX-only -modella 
DX:lle. Ihme kyllä vain yksi kerroinkuso meni pilalle, kun en kuullut 
varmasti, että menikö kuso läpi.

                     CQ Worldwide DX Contest, CW

Call: OG6N
Operator(s): OH6NIO
Station: OG6N

Class: SOAB(A) HP
QTH: Mieto
Operating Time (hrs):

  Band  QSOs  Zones  Countries
   160:   80     9       46
    80:  235    16       68
    40:  375    36      119
    20:  492    37      125
    15:  410    39      129
    10:  472    32      135
Total: 2064   169      622  Total Score = 3,386,271

Club: Contest Club Finland


I was busy trying to build power splitters and some other stuff before 
the contest but the available time was just not enough. As a result I 
did not sleep a wink before the start of the contest and very soon after 
the start I had to take some rest because I was extremely tired. There 
was no point to try anything serious with my unfinished station so I 
switched on to a leisurely DX mode and it was quite fun for some time. 
During the weekend I was occasionally off the air due to some technical 
difficulties. A bad connection forced me to install a new run of 
feed-line to the tower. As if that was not enough it started to rain a 
mixture of rain and snow which later formed a thick layer of ice on 
every surface including my tower. The ice immobilized my tower and when 
I finally had cleared of the ice and the tower was once again rotating 
the rotator stopped working.

The propagation was much better on Saturday but the higher bands closed 
already after 20Z. The lower bands were disturbed and the DX was very 
weak in our sunrise grey-line with no peaks in the propagation.

I hope that the next contest would be a little less eventful exercise in 
which I could concentrate on working the QSOs. Anyway I had my moments 
of fun as usual.

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