[CCF] FW: [wrtc2014] Tent Sponsors

Timo Klimoff timo.klimoff at dnainternet.net
Fri May 23 08:16:31 EDT 2014



From: wrtc2014 [mailto:wrtc2014-bounces at lists.wrtc2014.org] On Behalf Of
Randy Thompson K5ZD
Sent: 23. toukokuuta 2014 14:21
To: wrtc2014 at lists.wrtc2014.org
Subject: [wrtc2014] Tent Sponsors


The WRTC2014 Organizing Committee is very thankful for the support of the 65
individuals and organizations that contributed as Tent Sponsors. Each
WRTC2014 operating site will have a sign that announces the sponsor.  You
can see the proof copy of the signs at


Please review the signs and let me know if any errors.  



Randy Thompson, K5ZD

Co-Chair WRTC 2014

email k5zd at wrtc2014.org




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