Mats Strandberg sm6lrr at gmail.com
Sun Oct 12 09:31:21 EDT 2014

Thanks Scandinavians for good ears also in directions remote VK4!  Veru
useful experience to work from Down-under and realize how it is when you
are so far away from Scandinavia and sometimes on the back of the beam...

Enjoyed the contest a lot, although just a part-time activity. Conditions
were great on 10 meters, excellent on 15 and good on 20. Two QSOs on 40
meters during Scandinavian Daylight (OH5TS and OH8X),

Most of all, thanks to John VK4CT for letting me operate from his nice
hill-top location 60 km north of Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. Perfect
organized and great to see my WRTC Referee Mate from WRTC 2014!

Radio:  FT1000MP
Amp 400 W
3 element Spiderbeam @15m / Stacked dipoles (10/15/20 meters)
Rotary Dipole and Vertical for 40 meters

Contest         : SAC Scandinavian Activity Contest
Callsign        : VK4/SM6LRR
Mode            : PHONE
Category        : Single Operator (SO)
Overlay         : ---
Band(s)         : All bands (AB)
Class           : High Power (HP)
Zone/State/...  :
Locator         : QG62LR
Operating time  : 5h30

   80     0   0    0       0  0.00
   40     2   0    2       6  3.00
   20    44   0   22      44  1.00
   15    68   0   27      68  1.00
   10    34   0   13      34  1.00
TOTAL   148   0   64     152  1.03
        TOTAL SCORE : 9 728

Dupes are not included in QSO counts neither avg calculations

Operators       : SM6LRR

73 de Mats VK4/SM6LRR (RM2D)

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