[CCF] Sac and TB+Wires rules

SM5AJV sm5ajv at qrq.se
Mon Sep 29 11:26:27 EDT 2014

I agree with Timo's comments. As long as you use only one element on 40 and
80 your are fine.

The questions has been asked several times and the SAC CC will see if we
should clarify the rules for 2015.


2014-09-29 16:15 GMT+02:00 Timo Klimoff <timo.klimoff at dnainternet.net>:

> "Participants in the Tribander/Single Element category shall use only one
> triband antenna for 10, 15, and 20 meters, and single-element antennas for
> 40 and 80 meters."
> >Yet rules say that contester is allowed to use one tb and single-element
> antennaS ( = more than one ) for 40 and 80 meters. By my interpretation is
> that I could use for example dipole and gp >for 40 meters and same setup
> for 80 meters. I know that it is against spirit of rules, but if rules are
> read from word to word then it can be read like my example is.
> Ei säännöt kiellä etteikö valittavana voisi olla useampia 40m ja 80m
> antenneja kunhan workkiminen tapahtuu "yhdellä elementillä" kerrallaan enkä
> ole kuullut, että tuota olisi WPX-kilpailussa, josta se on suoraan
> kopsattu, erikseen kielletty. Sen sijaan jos sääntöä luetaan kuin piru
> raamattua niin 20m:n dipolilla workkivan kaverin pitäisi rakentaa tribander
> pystyäkseen osallistumaan tähän luokkaan ... :)
> WPX:n sääntö antaa muuten yhden tarkennuksen SAC:n sääntöön verrattuna:
> "During the contest an entrant shall use only one (1) tribander (any type,
> with a single feed line from the transmitter to the antenna) for 10, 15,
> and 20 meters and single-element antennas on 40, 80, and 160 meters."
> 73, Timo OH1NOA
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