[CCF] I: CTU 2017 - RTTY session added

Jouko Häyrynen jouko.hayrynen at kolumbus.fi
Fri May 19 01:55:58 EDT 2017


"Mr. RTTY", Kari OH2BP lupautui pitämään esityksen nopeasti suosiota kasvattavasta modesta.
Kiitos Kari!

"Mr. RTTY", Kari OH2BP offered to make a presentation about the increasingly popular RTTY mode.
Thank you Kari!

Päivitetty Agenda / Updated Agenda

09:00 Registration begins

09:45 Opening remarks, Timo Korhonen OG9X
10:00 Review on new single op and multi op operating methods, Chris Kovarik 9A5K 
11:15 WRTC 2018 update, Jouko Häyrynen OH1RX

11:30 Using modern technology to improve your station and score, Ranko Boca 4O3A

12:30 – 13:30 Lunch break
13:30 Possibilities of an advanced logging software, Chris Kovarik 9A5K
14:30  Coffee break
15:00 Low band receiving antennas, Pekka Ketonen OH1TV
16:00 RTTY today and tomorrow, Kari Hirvonen OH2BP
16:30  Discussion about OH contests and future of contesting in Finland
 ≈ 17:00 Closing remarks, Timo Korhonen OG9X


on behalf of CTU2017 Team

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