[CCF] FW: [CQ-Contest] WRTC 2018- Work the Y8 Call signs and Collect teh Activity Awards

Timo Klimoff timo.klimoff at dnainternet.net
Fri Jul 13 16:20:15 EDT 2018

-----Original Message-----
From: CQ-Contest <cq-contest-bounces at contesting.com> On Behalf Of Michael Hoeding, DL6MHW
Sent: Friday, July 13, 2018 6:06 PM
To: cq-contest <cq-contest at contesting.com>
Subject: [CQ-Contest] WRTC 2018- Work the Y8 Call signs and Collect teh Activity Awards

It starts Tomorrow! This is going to be GREAT.

Martin, DL4NAC, has kindly written out some guidance notes of how to best work the stations.

Some important information for chasing the WRTC stations:
- WRTC stations will work only operate on the 80 to 10m contest bands using CW and SSB
- WRTC stations should be spotted by callers in the DX clusters
- Please treat all WRTC stations the same don’t favorite one over another
- Make sure that the QSO is as short as possible.
- Keep trying difficult band, as the WRTC stations will only be running
100 W and will not be loud.
- Try looking for the stations early on Sunday morning on 80 and 40m as it’s likely the station will only be the higher bands on Saturday.

Your help can be rewarded - there are diplomas and medals to apply for.
The award series includes 5 certificates,
- WAWRTC - Worked All WRTC Stations
- WRTC Sprint - contact all stations in the shortest time
- WRTC Most QSOs - who makes the largest number of contacts with the WRTC stations
- Assistant Judge - for those submitting check logs
- Long Distance Challenge - for those with contacts from the furthest distance sum

Exact information can be found on the website: 

73 from Wittenberg were we are very very busy at this special day Michael, DL6MHW for the WRTC 2018 team


Michael Höding, DL6MHW
Vice-President, Fundraising, PR
Phone: +49 39201 20779
E-Mail: dl6mhw at wrtc2018.de

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