[CCF] Rus DX OH0X M/2 HP

Kim Östman kim.ostman at abo.fi
Mon Mar 19 16:01:51 EDT 2018

Tällainen tapaus tällä kertaa... Kiitos OH-kusoista!


-----Original Message-----

                    Russian DX Contest

Call: OH0X
Operator(s): OH6KZP OH6UM
Station: OH0X

Class: M/2 HP
QTH: Brando
Operating Time (hrs): 19

 Band  CW Qs  Ph Qs  Countries  Oblasts
  160:   296    63       36        50
   80:   503    35       44        60
   40:   560   111       54        59
   20:   459   199       56        55
   15:   200    65       52        28
   10:    11     0        6         1
Total:  2029   473      248       253  Total Score = 7,038,048

Club: Contest Club Finland


We lost power 2 hours before the contest due to an outside cable problem, and even still only two phases out of three coming to the station are operational. Thus the horse and cart never made it to the starting line, and we took off on foot instead... 

The situation limited station usability, but was very good for a test drive. In other words, limited possibilities to rotate antennas, no amplifiers (but we used the 200W from our Yaesus to compensate for our mishaps...), and even limited lighting in the shack. We didn't want to blow anything up, since it would have been a very cold and dark night on the island!

At any rate, it was a very useful exercise for debugging the setup, and we will be back on the air for more test drives in May. Thanks for all QSOs, wonderful activity as always!

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