[CCF] win-test - blacklisted email servers

Zaba OH1ZAA elefa at wippies.fi
Tue Nov 6 07:36:17 EST 2018


Sama ongelma jo 6 vuotta per @wippies.fi ... Hervé auttaa kyllä 

  Cheers/73, "Zaba" OH1ZAA   ...

P.S. (käytän sekä Win-test, että N1MM+ ilman piuhoja rigeihin)

Win-test hoitaa esim. NAC/28 (NRAU 10m pohja) hyvin, ei N1MM+

Jouko Häyrynen kirjoitti 6.11.2018 13:28:
> Terve,
> Win-test -käyttäjät:
> Jos et saa win-test rekisteriöintiavainta, syynä saattaa olla sinun
> @kolumbus.fi tai @yahoo.com -sähköpostiosoite.
> Herve, F5HRY  doc at win-test.com <mailto:doc at win-test.com> korjaa asian
> sähköpostipyynnöllä.
> 73
> CU on bands
> Jouko
> I requested a new registration key but I never received an email with 
> the key
> First, check your "Spam" folder, if any. Look for an email:
> From: robot at win-test.com
> Subject:  Code de validation de Win-Test - Win-Test registration key
> Next, please note that registration keys are sent to the email address
> you provided when you first purchased Win-Test. If you no longer have
> access to this email address, you will need to send an email to F5HRY
> or F6FVY including your:
> Account Number
> Callsign
> Old email address
> New email address
> Due to security changes made by many email service providers (Google
> "DMARC policy"), registration keys sent by the Win-Test robot to the
> following email domains will be discarded automatically, without any
> warning or notification:
> aol.com
> att.net
> comcast.net
> kolumbus.fi
> prodigy.net
> sbcglobal.net
> yahoo.com
> ymail.com
> If your registered email address is at one of these domains, contact
> F5HRY to have your registered email address changed to another domain
> that still works, such as a Gmail account (gmail.com).
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> CCF mailing list
> CCF at contesting.com
> http://lists.contesting.com/mailman/listinfo/ccf

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