[CCF] Youth ja Explorer - kilpailuluokista - kysymyksiin vastauksia kootusti
Jukka Klemola
jpklemola at gmail.com
Sun Aug 1 11:17:24 EDT 2021
EXPLORER is a category that has two sub-categories: single-op and multi-op
CQ WW 2021 SSB ja CW kilpailuissa.
The Explorer multi-op category has no transmitter sub-categories so all
entries are same as Explorer multi-multi.
The Cabrillo header indicates Explorer by use of CATEGORY-STATION: EXPLORER
(as indicated in the rules).
This is the same method used for Distributed multi-ops in CQ WPX earlier
this year.
The Cabrillo header specification for EXPLORER (and YOUTH) has been updated
Erilaisten ohjelmistojen kehittäjätiimit tarvitsevat aikaa
implementoidakseen uudet kategoriat.
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