NAQP rumor from K5OJI

Dwaine Hurta hurta at
Mon Aug 3 17:56:04 EDT 1992

Club station K5OJI (ops ND0P, KT5V, N5HD) did a multi-2 for NAQP and
ended up with 602 q's and 178 mults.

Local thunderboomers developed about 23z and lasted until 03z.  (I think
Texas is becoming as bad as Florida as far as the number of cloud to 
ground ZAP!s is concerned.)  QRN was very bad all evening.

Activity level was a bit low (and almost non-existant the last hour) even
for summer.  I'd guess that the heavy QRN discouraged the casual ops
from doing much on 7 Mhz and lower.  I'd also guess that most single ops
take the last hour off!

I enjoy K8CC's NA program very much, but I ran into a very unusual
problem on my 486/33:  after a few seconds, the field that I was typing
in would disappear!  For example, I might be calling CQ and get a reply.
I'd type the callsign it and hit the INSERT key, and the call would 
disappear and not return until I skipped to the next field (name).
Then if I stayed in that field too long IT would disappear (till I hit
the spacebar again).  If the call was partially correct and I went back
to correct it, it would look fine but if it disappeared and reappeared
the OLD call entry would appear, but a tap on the ENTER key logged the
corrected call!  Whew!  I think this problem had something to do with
the COM ports:  I had my 940S computer controlled and also linked to a 
386/25.  Well, it wasn't a bad enough problem to put up with... perhaps
too many early versions of CT have me tempered!!  My 386/25 and XT showed
no problems, and my 486/33 "all alone" wouldn't do it...

The point?  I think we (ops at K5OJI) spend 75% of our time setting up
computers and configuring software, and 25% of our time hooking up radios.
Such is life at a club station...


Dwaine Hurta,  N5HD                        hurta at
Texas Instruments, Dallas, Texas           480-1338

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