Dupe Sheets with CT

Trey Garlough GARLOUGH at TGV.COM
Fri Dec 4 06:09:59 EST 1992

> Here's a dumb question that I'm sure has bothered at least one other contester:
> When you do a "writelog" with CT, it generates a dupe sheet with a printer 
> control code that is SUPPOSED to cause compressed printing.  At least, that's
> what the manual says.  Personally I've never seen this feature work, since the
> only printers I have ever used with CT are a HP Deskjet and a HP Laserjet.  In
> both codes, the control code (<cntl>R) seems to have no effect.  

Epson-type dot matrix printers understand the control code to mean 16.5 cpi
or whatever.  Do a NOCOMPRESS before doing a WRITELOG.  This will cause CT
to write normal looking dupesheets for 8.5 inch paper at 10 cpi (or whatever
the normal uncompressed font is).

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