160 m score

Kim Elmore elmore at brightband.rap.ucar.EDU
Mon Dec 7 10:38:55 EST 1992

	single op, low-power, about 4.5 hrs
	211 x 61 sections = 25742 pts

	First time in the 160 m 'test.  Actually, this was more fun
that I thought it would be.  I shunt-feed my tower and have no
separate rx antenna, so I'm sure there was stuff calling me that I
couldn't hear.  I hit the hay at around 08Z and heard some guys
working G's but couldn't hear a whisper from the guys they were
working.  I originally started out trying QRO (about 600W from my
station) but found that I locked up NA whenever i transmitted (my
tower is only about 15 feet from my operating position).  It was
really wierd: everything would lock key-down until I manually stopped
the RF; then everything continued normally!

	See you on 10 m!


					Kim Elmore
					N5OP, PP ASEL/Glider 2232456
*  _._. __._ _.. _.._ _.. . _. ..... ___ .__. _. ..... ___ .__. _.. _.._ _._  *
*    Said by NQ0I while working on his shack:                                 *
*		"All these *wires*!  Why do they call it `wireless'!?"        *
*  _._. __._ _.. _.._ _.. . _. ..... ___ .__. _. ..... ___ .__. _.. _.._ _._  *
Replies to: elmore at brightband.rap.ucar.edu (wires) n5op at n5op.ampr.org (radio)

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