10 Meter Results - K5OJI

Dwaine Hurta hurta at ap040.dseg.ti.com
Mon Dec 14 15:08:26 EST 1992

10 Meter Contest Results:


K5OJI:  multi-op  1506/216 for 936,144 points.  (us)

W5XJ:   multi-op  1513/212 for 978,168 points.  (them - boo!)

 10 Meter test at K5OJI was a blast, and it was nice having a lot of
 local activity and competition.  The contest started at 0000z and was
 pretty flat by 0020z, but things picked up and by 0100z there was a
 nice pipeline to Florida (I never knew there were that many Florida
 stations around).  Basically, the band was open to the SE and SW from
 0045z until we shut down at 0336z.

 Saturday was good conditions, but our major mistake was that the op
 Saturday morning didn't work the Eu run on SSB- we missed a lot of
 easy mults then...  Saturday evening wasn't as exciting as Friday

 Ten more mults and we could have beat W5XJ :-( ...


Dwaine Hurta,  N5HD                        hurta at lobby.ti.com
Texas Instruments, Dallas, Texas           480-1338

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