IC-765 PBT Mod

Michael Mraz mikemr at microsoft.com
Mon Dec 21 11:08:54 EST 1992

I can't remember the exact issue, but the mod is described in the Hints&Kinks
column in a QST issue (from 1991 I think). Try looking in the annual index for
'91---it should be in there. Maybe one of the ARRL staffers on this mail
reflector can give you an exact citation.

I installed this mod, and it makes the 765 into a "real SSB rig."

BTW, if you're a CW contester, I developed a tracking CW sidetone mod 
for the 765.
It should be published in one of the ARRL mags next year.

73    Mike    N6MZ    mikemr at microsoft.com

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