Minutes per mult

pescatore_jt%ncsd.dnet at gte.com pescatore_jt%ncsd.dnet at gte.com
Fri Feb 21 12:30:33 EST 1992

I use the minutes per mult or mults per QSO thing (whatever it says) to 
convince myself to keep running UB/YU/IKs when a lot of juicy multipliers
are put out on packet. Especially in the ARRL, if you figure a mult is
worth 10 QSOs or so, if you are going at even a 60 rate, that mult is only
worth 10 minutes of your time. Of course, if you think you can move him
to a few other bands, or in the WW where it might be a double multiplier ...

Now, if I ever go completely digitronic, I'll be able to hit a few keys
in CT and pick up the mult with no time investment.

John EKK

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