Opinions on IC-751A Wanted

Trey Garlough GARLOUGH at Choker.TGV.COM
Thu Feb 27 15:53:38 EST 1992

> Our club is considering the purchase of a '751A to replace our aging
> TS-830.  Primary use will be general operating and contesting.

> Any comments, opinions, love/hate, etc. on the 751A or accessories?

I owned and used an 830 for years and liked it a lot.  I have used a 
751 once and again and I have never liked it.  I can't remember why.
It just didn't sound as good.  

When I lived in Austin, our TCC director (K5GM) lived two blocks away and 
used to comment that he experienced front-end smash whenever I was on the 
air.  He had a 751A.  I could never tell when he was on.  I had an 830.

Call it idiosyncratic.  If I were looking to upgrade from an 830, I would 
look for a late-model 930.


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