TS-940 woes

Steven London steven at ulysses.atmos.colostate.edu
Sat Feb 29 08:37:08 EST 1992

I am the not-very-proud owner of an early model TS-940S.  Not being
afraid to dig into radios, I have fixed most of the quirks that were
present when I bought it - intermittant rx sensitivity, flaky pc board
connectors, horrible phase noise, flaky PLL, etc.  There is one last problem I
can't seem to get a handle on.  On both transmit and receive, there
is a spur generated +- 1 kHz from the center frequency.  The spur
is about 60 dB down from the main signal - that is not enough when
listening to loud signals on a quiet band.  As I said, the spur exists
on my xmit signal, as well as being superimposed on received signals.

I seem to recall that early 940's had this problem.  Craig, KR6T, from
the Kenwood BBS denies any knowledge of this problem.  Anyone remember
the fix for this ?

Kick butt in ARRL Phone !

Steve, N2IC/0  

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