"Not in Log"

Scott Ellington sde at larry.sal.wisc.edu
Tue Jun 2 14:52:12 EDT 1992

I completely agree with K3NA's comments about leaving marked dupes and
zero point QSO's in the log.  I'll admit I've deleted dupes from my logs
in the past, without considering the implications.  Not that anyone is
likely to miss a K9, of course.

There is a hazard in computerized log checking, though.  If the "bad" contacts
are just flagged, then a human checker can often figure out what probably
happened, and judge accordingly.  (Assuming the logs are complete.)  There
has to be a growing temptation to just let the software delete the contacts
and multipliers that don't check out.  When lots of logs start coming in
on disks, that will be the only way to check them all.  The human checkers
will be the limiting factor.  It could take some really clever software to
automatically check the logs fairly.

Scott Ellington  K9MA
sde at larry.sal.wisc.edu

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