VHF Multi-multi Ethics

Dave Pascoe pascoe%rocky.dnet at gte.com
Thu Jun 18 10:17:31 EDT 1992

In a recent message WB2EKK wrote:

>Several locals went to FN00 for the recent VHF contest for a multi-multi
>and were under the impression that they couldn't really use 2M DXcluster
>packet spotting, since you could only have 1 signal on 2M at any one time.
>Since you never really know when the 2M radio on packet will be xmitting, you
>would be violating the rules. This seemed like an overly strict
> what is the story here?

This is a good question....since the packet rig is not really being used
directly to SOLICIT contacts....I would think it's OK.  At K1TR/3 we did not
use spotting at all....I thought about it but felt it was too much trouble
and wouldn't benefit us much.

> Also, is it true that rovers can pack multiple hams ina single vehicle, with
> a single rig/antenna and give out 1 QSO per ham in the car?? This seems to be
> kinda silly to allow, much like all the ops at a multi lining up at the mike
> to work their friend on a DXpedition.

This is absolutely illegal.  Every rover must have his own radio on each band.
This includes antennas as well......nothing is to be shared.  This rule is in 
force specifically to prevent "manufactured" QSOs.  It's bad enough with the
resources of W2SZ/1.....we don't need any more of that.  But that's a story
for another day.

After doing this for a number of years the more and more I'm convinced that
the multi-multi class is won through resources and management.  Operating
ability comes in after the other two.  The only reason we've been able to
close the gap between us and SZ (a little) is through technology and sheer
operating savvy.  I'm pretty happy with our results from a hill that's 
less than half the height of Mount Greylock.  We are the second multi (SZ
obviously being the first) to break a million and that alone feels pretty

Dave Pascoe KM3T
pascoe at rocky.gte.com
GTE/SCSD - Needham Heights, MA
(617) 455-5704

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