All Asian DX CW Contest.

Trey Garlough GARLOUGH at TGV.COM
Mon Jun 22 12:36:43 EDT 1992

All Asian CW -- WN4KKN/7, single op all band
QTH:  Boring, OR -- home of Tree, N6TR (islabs!ateq!larryt at

 Band     QSOs    Mults

 160        0       0
  80       61      32
  40      389      95
  20      391      96
  15      375      96
  10        0       0
         ----     ---
         1216     319     406,406

I tried to work guys on 10 and 160, but never heard a peep.  The first 
few hours of the contest were lousy (not a peep on 15), but then things 
picked up.  But hey, I knew what I was getting into from the start,
operating a contest during the summer solstice and all.

I not sure I exactly agree with Alan's suggestion of running the
CW and SSB events simultaneously, but I think the All Asian contest
would be served well by a 24 hour format, such as the one used in
the Radiosport (IARU HF Radiosporting Championship Competition, or 
whatever it is called these days) contest.

Anyhow, I had a great time operating the contest.  I picked up one of
those supercheap air tickets from the airwars last month and flew up
to Portland on Wednesday evening.  Thursday "we" put up Tree's five
element 10, five element 20 and three element 40 on his 90 foot tower.
I say "we" because Tree did all the real work, I just pulled on the
occasional rope.  We also played with the baby.  Friday we hit the road 
and visited W7NI and W7RM and played with the baby.  And during the
weekend I operated the contest (Tree also operated a bit on the second
radio -- about 300 QSOs) and played with the baby.

I also used the N6TR logging program, which is way-cool.  It pretty much
does all the work and requires little in the way of keystrokes.  If it
could copy the code, it would be able to operate the contest by itself.
This program was obviously written by someone who has a little kid,
because I was able to comfortably keep the rate at about 80 QSOs/hour
while playing with the baby.


Note to Tree:  It was a gas.  Thanks.

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