QST Contest Coverage

Dwaine Hurta hurta at ap040.dseg.ti.com
Thu Nov 5 16:16:29 EST 1992

It's very important that QST continues to report contest results, or
I'm afraid that some will take the "missing" contest reports as a sign
that the ARRL no longer supports contesting.  But the coverage could be
limited to two "interesting" pages of information, pictures, and scores,
while the fine print goes into the NCJ (and the NCJ would most likely see
an increase in subscriptions).

My only hesitation to limiting QST coverage is that one of the few "public"
acknowledgements I get for my efforts is a score listing somewhere in the 
fine print... and since most active hams I know receive QST, and I can
point them to my score.

Its important that contesting stays visible in QST, but not annoying...


Dwaine Hurta,  N5HD                        hurta at lobby.ti.com
Texas Instruments, Dallas, Texas           480-1338

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