Sweepstakes QRP

pescatore_jt%ncsd.dnet at gte.com pescatore_jt%ncsd.dnet at gte.com
Thu Nov 12 07:48:47 EST 1992

Several locals who did full-time SS CW efforts had a different complaint
about QRP stations. They said several stations that had precedence Q were
very loud when they answered the CQ, but dropped down to puny weak when
they sent the exchange! Could just be psychosomatic, tedium induced
by these guys (they are not big scorers in SS) or it could be a new 
intepration of the definition of QRP: if I send at 100W 1% of the time, and
at 5 watts 99% of the time, my average output is 4.96W!

I tend to believe it was mostly jealousy by the locals that the QRP stations
had such high Q totals, and maybe a cheater or two out there.


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