sellington sellington at mail.ssec.wisc.edu
Mon Nov 30 11:23:22 EST 1992

Single operator, unassisted:

Band  QSO     Z       C

160      7      4       4
 80     64     14     31
 40    145    23     64
 20    388    35     88
 15    441    34     85
 10    350    29     70

Tot  1393  139   342      1,913,418

(Rough, may not quite add up right yet.)

Antennas:  TH-7 at 70 ft, wires for 40, tower shunt fed on 80 and 160.
                 (All on a city lot 60 by 120 feet.)  1200 W on 80-10,
                  100 W on 160.

Proposed new category:  Points per sqaure foot of property.  (My only

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