KC1XX Multi-Single

Jim Reisert, AD1C reisert at wrksys.enet.dec.com
Tue Oct 27 10:57:37 EST 1992

      Call: KC1XX (+AD1C, KD1EA, K1TWF, KA1XN)


      160       11       20     1.82      5       8
       80      172      456     2.65     17      73
       40      256      715     2.79     30     110
       20      848     2346     2.77     38     150
       15      847     2403     2.84     35     146
       10      851     2485     2.92     30     148

     Totals   2985     8425     2.82    155     635  =>  6,655,750

This was Matt's first attempt at Multi-Single.  We used a pair of stacked
Tennadyne 10-element log periodics on 20/15/10, a pair of stacked 40-2CDs on
40, and a double Zepp on 80/160.  We had a monoband 10 meter Yagi fixed
south for the run station, and a pair of TA33's, one fixed south, the other
rotatable, for the multiplier station.

73 - Jim AD1C

Jim Reisert                     Internet:  reisert at mast.enet.dec.com
Digital Equipment Corp.         UUCP:      ...decwrl!mast.enet.dec.com!reisert
146 Main Street	- MLO5-2/E45	Voice:     508-493-5747
Maynard, MA  01754		FAX:       508-493-1890

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