Manufactured Contest QSOs

George Noyes x5698 georgen at
Tue Apr 27 11:22:21 EDT 1993

2 Cents worth:

Hmmmmm, with all the discussion on "illegal" or "manufactured" QSOs, I have
to relate that I've experienced from a couple of "big guns" a  "Sri QSO 
before" line.  One of them seems to do it every contest....  I use CT or NA
and have a tendency towards double checking, sooooo its not real likely
(yes, I had already checked for broken calls etc... ).  Kinda, makes you
wonder tho....  Maybe I should "report it" next time to the contest

I usually try to get it thru the guy's skull that he's not in my log and
(re)work him and chalk it up to a broken call, mistake etc, but if these
guys are out there, it makes contesting quite a bit less fun knowing that
these morons get away with it...

2 cents -  de George, W1XE

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