N4OGW NAQP CW score, meteor comments

R. Torsten Clay clay at minerva.cis.yale.edu
Fri Aug 13 11:34:39 EDT 1993

Here's the results from N4OGW,  "Tor" in KY:

       QSO  M
160    30   16
80     132  42
40     157  45
20     83   36     
15     48   19
10     7    4
       457  162  ==>  74,034

On another subject, did anyone on the reflector make any meteor scatter
qso's?  I don't have any VHF equipment, but made about 60 contacts on 28 mhz
that were probably meteor scat (also had strong Es openings that evening).
>From what I could tell, the peak was between 0300-0400Z, Aug 12...
during that hour worked TX,OK,AZ,NM,CA,NV,CO,NE,MN,OR,VE3,WY, and NC.

Any comments from the VHFers?

Torsten Clay N4OGW  clay-rudolf at yale.edu

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