I need wisconsin

mont at ibmmail.COM mont at ibmmail.COM
Tue Aug 24 10:37:09 EDT 1993

Hi, I don't subscribe to this list mainly cause I just can't read
fast enough to keep up.  But, I was wondering if there is some fine
person out there in the state of wisconsin that could help me out.

I've been checking in on the triple H net on 7.235 mhz at 0700 zulu.
This net has several contests one of which is Worked All States.  Well
I got 49 states worked and the only one left I need is Wisconsin.  I
would sure like to make a sched with someone from Wisconsin to make
contact during the net.

If anyone is interested here is how the net works:

    Check ins are taken from 0700 - 0730 zulu by call area.

    The net control asks for check ins by call area, the first call
    area asked for is the same as the last digit in the day of the
    month.  For example, this morning was the 24th, so call area 4
    was the first one requested.

    After check ins, net control calls each one in order of check in
    and asks if they'd like to make one call.

    The list is gone through a few times and if the net is not real
    busy, then net control may ask each one for two calls.

    After a couple of hours, or if it gets real slow, then net control
    will just go through the call areas and ask if anyone in that call
    area would like to make a call.

    Ocassionally there is a hot contact that everyone wants to call.
    In this case, net control will ask each call district for anyone
    that wants to call the hot contact.  There are several awards so
    there is a variety of reasons an individual in a particular place
    would be called by lots of others.

If your interested in helping me out, it will probably take no more
then about 30 to 40 minutes.  Here's how I would like to make the
scheduled contact:

    The sched would be on a day that ends with a 6.  Now today is the
    24th, so that means that tonight at 0700 zulu it would be the 25th
    and the 5th call district would be called first for check ins.

    Our sched will be on a day ending with a 6 so that I can check in

    When your call district is called you can also check in if you want
    to but you don't have to.  The net is open to anyone, there are no
    special requirements except that you are generally expected to send
    QSL cards.

    Whether you check in or not, when it is my turn to make a call I'll
    mention our sched and then call your callsign.

I would like to line up maybe 2 or 3 (or more) at a time in case I can't
hear you.  We could even meet at 0655 on 7.240 mhz to test the propagation
between us before checking in on the net.

Well what do you say?  Is there anyone out there from Wisconsin that would
be willing to schedule a contact with me in the wee wee hours of the morn?
Do you think that using internet to sched a needed contact is cheating? Or,
very frugal?

73 & hope to cul
de km6wt,   mont at ibmmail.com

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