Q Rate utility
Peter Jennings
Peter.Jennings at f506.n216.z1.fidonet.org
Sat Aug 28 08:58:00 EDT 1993
Doug, (k1dg at mcimail.com), recently posted a request for peak Q rates
in contests so that he can create a list. To make the job of finding
the peak rates easier, I whipped up a little utility to read logs in
several of CTs export formats ( *.ASC, *.RES, and *.ALL ) and automatically
list the peak rate per minute, ten minutes, and hour. If you have
a pile of diskettes lying around with these kinds of files on them,
you can check them all in a few minutes. Any log with a 4 digit time
and one Q per line can be used by the program.
The program and C source is available on the Mountain Retreat BBS
as QRATE.* (408) 335-4595. And also on CompuServe in the
GO HamNet forum.
Also available in both places is my BEAM program which, among other
things, will create a world map or a US map from a list of callsigns
or *.ASC log. The map can be saved as a GIF file. It also does beam
headings, distances, and grid squares based on call, lat/long, or zip code
and plots them on maps.
VE3SUN/W6 72470.3171 at compuserve.com
--- Blue Wave/QBBS v2.11
(Gated via FidoNet Node 1:1/31)
Peter Jennings Internet: Peter.Jennings at f506.n216.z1.fidonet.org
>From Dave Hawes <34703 at vlf03v31.ueci.com> Mon Aug 16 14:10:51 1993
From: Dave Hawes <34703 at vlf03v31.ueci.com> (Dave Hawes)
Date: 16 Aug 93 09:10:51 EDT
Subject: WAE CW Score - N3RD M/S
Message-ID: <2E5073B0FA2 at vlf03v31.ueci.com>
Sig, N3RS and I operated his station using my callsign in the WAE CW
contest. The following results should be good enough for #2 in the
M/S category, since K1EA (using KC1XX) was also M/S:
Call: N3RD Country: United States
Mode: CW Category: Multi Single
160 0 0 0 0
80 50 50 23 92
40 392 391 41 123
20 655 654 43 86
15 569 568 43 86
10 28 28 16 32
Totals 1694 1691 166 419 = 1,417,058
The K-Index was 1 throughout the contest period, producing very good
openings on 20 and 15. We had a very short, very marginal opening on
10 Saturday morning, and worked 3 mults. That opening didn't
materialize Sunday, but rather we had a bent path (120 degree
heading) opening at about 20z. A 15 minute session calling CQ and
some multiplier hunting resulted in a total of 16 countries. As
sunspots dwindle, we plan a W3LPL-style "death ray" on 10 at 155 feet
to exploit these marginal openings to the southeast.
The new 3 element 40 played very well, with its impressive F/B
resulting in the only QRM we had to contend with being from Europe!
80 remains our most frustrating band, as we listen to the New England
stations calling CQ, getting answers we can hear, but can't generate
our own pileup. Perhaps it's time to try a four-square!
I'd be interested in other scores and impressions.
73 - Dave
PS- Thanks to AD1C for compiling a seemingly flawless (for Eu at
least) CQWW.CTY file, which he posted to the reflector, and we used
in the contest.----------------------------------------------------------------------
Dave Hawes Internet: 34703 at vlf03v31.ueci.com
Raytheon Engineers & Constructors, Valley Forge, PA
Voice: 215-254-5167 Fax: 215-254-5134
>From Dick Dievendorff" <dieven at almaden.ibm.com Wed Dec 1 00:25:30 1993
From: Dick Dievendorff" <dieven at almaden.ibm.com (Dick Dievendorff)
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 93 16:25:30 -0800
Subject: Contest entries via Internet
Message-ID: <9312010025.AA21800 at penguin.almaden.ibm.com>
Tom, W0OSK writes:
> The ARRL - and others - who accept entries by Internet should provide
> confirmation e-mail back to the sender as was done with the Phone Sprint.
I received this confirmation from Billy Lunt:
This acknowledges receipt of your 1993 ARRL November CW Sweepstakes
What more could one ask?
73 de Dick Dievendorff, AA6MC/G0MFO
>From P.VASILION" <V111QHEG at ubvms.cc.buffalo.edu Wed Dec 1 01:03:11 1993
From: P.VASILION" <V111QHEG at ubvms.cc.buffalo.edu (P.VASILION)
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1993 20:03:11 -0500 (EST)
Subject: CT post contest score discrepancy (help pse)
Message-ID: <01H5XSX7HA2Q8ZEAB7 at ubvms.cc.buffalo.edu>
After the CQWW contest ended, we backed up the logs and checked the log
out for a final look-over. The score was 3.0 million, thus we felt all
was well. When we returned from overseas, we loaded the log onto another
computer and the score was 2.56 million with 70+ calls in the .ZON file.
What gives? What could cause such a problem and what is the solution?
Peter KB2NMV/VP9
>From Randy A Thompson <K5ZD at world.std.com> Wed Dec 1 01:05:51 1993
From: Randy A Thompson <K5ZD at world.std.com> (Randy A Thompson)
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1993 20:05:51 -0500 (EST)
Subject: CQWW Log Submittal !!!
Message-ID: <Pine.3.87.9311302051.A12181-0100000 at world.std.com>
As someone who used to check logs for the WW Committee, I will take a
shot at answering this one. This is my opinion - not that of the WW
It is a lot easier to handle and check a printed log. Especially for a
committee that is made up of volunteers spread out all over the country.
None of us have time to print huge logs -- we barely have time to get
them all checked. The WW Committee is making huge strides in the use of
disk submissions to improve the checking process. But we still need
those paper print-outs to see exactly what you are claiming in your log.
I do believe that things will move toward more electronic checking, but
it is going to take some time.
The WW Committee does a great amount of work during March to June, months
when most contesters are taking a break. How about volunteering to help
or offer a constructive idea rather than just heating up the keyboard
with criticism!
Randy, K5ZD
On Mon, 29 Nov 1993 KU4J at OPUS.UDS.MOT.COM wrote:
> When is CQ going to enter the 20th century. Why do they STILL require
> disk AND PAPER LOGS???? The ARRL is light years ahead of CQ in this
> matter with BBS and FTP/internet uploads or mailing only a disk. We
> just printed out the VP2VFP logs for CQWW SSB and there was a stack of
> paper 2" thick!! How many trees do we have to kill before they get the
> picture? If anyone else feels this way about paper logs, how about
> expressing your opinion to CQ or on the CQWW summary sheet.
> 73's tim
>From D. Leeson" <0005543629 at mcimail.com Wed Dec 1 02:13:00 1993
From: D. Leeson" <0005543629 at mcimail.com (D. Leeson)
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 93 21:13 EST
Subject: /MM and YS1X
Message-ID: <25931201021352/0005543629NA4EM at mcimail.com>
YS1X op was NL7GP, I believe.
I hacked a solution to the /MM scoring problems - I found that CT scores
it correctly if you add a number, say, the ITU region: AA5DX/MM2 with the
proper zone typed in the report field scores as a QSO, rather than a
zero-pointer because of the AA4DX = USA; also, I worked an RZ3/MM, which
CT wanted to score as a new country because RZ3 was new on the band, but
using the same /MM2 and zone-in-report fixed it.
Cheers de Dave, W6QHS
>From howie cahn <howi at world.std.com> Wed Dec 1 02:39:36 1993
From: howie cahn <howi at world.std.com> (howie cahn)
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1993 21:39:36 -0500 (EST)
Subject: wb2cpu cqww qrp results
Message-ID: <Pine.3.87.9311302136.A12142-0100000 at world.std.com>
Call: WB2CPU Country: United States
Mode: CW Category: Single Operator QRP
160 0 0 0.00 0 0
80 0 0 0.00 0 0
40 50 127 2.54 11 28
20 123 349 2.84 15 53
15 37 98 2.65 11 24
10 24 57 2.38 13 20
Totals 234 631 2.70 50 125 => 110,425
Anyone else with a QRP score??
Radios used were a combination of commercial QRP stuff and homebrew;
2 - 4 W out. In fact, the 15M xcvr wasn't even finished when the contest
started. Finally got it running about 0800Z Saturday; in time for 15M
opening to Europe a few hours later. Antennas were dipoles/trap dipoles.
I gotta admit it was pretty frustrating; many times lots of stations
were coming in S9 but no one could hear me. Then, path propagation would
improve a few dBs and I could slip in a few QSOs. Only bright spot was
nice opening to Africa Sunday morning where I was able to make easy QSOs
-- everything else I had to work for. Thanks to all for their patience!
- howie, wb2cpu
>From Jack Fleming <oolon at eskimo.com> Wed Dec 1 03:36:56 1993
From: Jack Fleming <oolon at eskimo.com> (Jack Fleming)
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1993 19:36:56 -0800 (PST)
Subject: op at YS1X?
Message-ID: <Pine.3.87.9311301956.A12785-0100000 at eskimo.com>
On Tue, 30 Nov 1993, Skelton, Tom wrote:
> Who was the op at YS1X for the CQWW? I heard him talking to Rich,
> KI3V/VP9, on 80 meters last night but didn't get his home call. tnx.
> 73, Tom WB4IUX
It was Jon, NL7GP. He was calling CQ, I called him, he came back:
"JACK 59907"
Confusing until he said who he was!
WA0RJY CQWW Results: 500 Qs, 100 Zs, 171 Cs = 372k points
All bands 100 watts. Time out for sleep, meals, and Star Trek.
No Asia worked on 10 meters from Seattle. None.
Jack Fleming, WA0RJY oolon at eskimo.com
20148 6th Avenue NE
Seattle, WA 98155 DON'T PANIC!
>From Ward Silver <hwardsil at seattleu.edu> Wed Dec 1 05:07:05 1993
From: Ward Silver <hwardsil at seattleu.edu> (Ward Silver)
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1993 21:07:05 -0800 (PST)
Subject: NH6T CQWW Results
Message-ID: <Pine.3.03.9311302105.A23762-b100000 at sumax.seattleu.edu>
Single-Op, All-Band, Low-Power
Bands 160 80 40 20 15 10 Total
QSOs 43 225 585 582 956 367 2758
Ctrys 4 15 44 59 40 25 187
Zones 6 15 26 31 28 17 123
2.55M points
Saturday night was a complete bust on the low bands - couldn't get a
response while CQ-ing, even on 40...hmmmm..., so went to sleep. Good
thing I did because Sunday generated some angry beehive pileups on 20
through 10.
Europe was a tantalizing frustration on 40 and 20 with 100W from the
middle of the Pacific. Just a few loud EU were worked.
160 was disappointing, as was 20, but 80 and 15 were good.
While the locals indicated that this was typical band behavior, I
obviously have a lot to learn about the ins and outs of KH6 propagation.
I used the N6TR software which worked fine, but at high rates I kept
falling into the Search-and-Pounce mode, which required one hand to
frantically hit ESC until order was restored while the other hand was busy
trying to maintain order on frequency and keep the ball rolling. I must
have sounded like a complete lid on occasion, but...mea culpa...
No geckos ran across my hands at 3AM this time...yow!!
Thanks for the QSOs...and 73!
Ward, N0AX
>From martin.zurn at cen.jrc.it (Martin Zurn) Wed Dec 1 13:14:51 1993
From: martin.zurn at cen.jrc.it (Martin Zurn) (Martin Zurn)
Date: Wed, 1 Dec 1993 14:14:51 +0100 (MET)
Subject: Need QSL mgrs for a few CQWW CW stns
Message-ID: <9312011314.AA17354 at dac.ise.jrc.it>
Hi, just distributed point and looked for (relatively) rare stns
Didn't find the mgrs for C91J ZF1WW ZP0Y HT1T ZA1AB C59DH P40N
9Y4VU CR3W ZX5CW ZB2X EA9EO. Sorry to all who feel bored about
the question. Any help appreciated. Tnx to all of u that QSOd me
73 de IK2RMZ
martin.zurn at jrc.it
>From Paul Hellenberg <Paul.Hellenberg at mixcom.mixcom.com> Wed Dec 1 13:32:34 1993
From: Paul Hellenberg <Paul.Hellenberg at mixcom.mixcom.com> (Paul Hellenberg)
Date: Wed, 1 Dec 93 7:32:34 CST
Subject: 3830 cqww scores ?????
Message-ID: <9312011332.AA01823 at mixcom.mixcom.com>
Does anyone have the 3830 scores from CQWW CW ??????????????????????????
Paul Hellenberg KS9K
wwyyww at mixcom.com
>From Fred Cady ieefc at msu.oscs.montana.edu" <fred_c at ece.ee.montana.edu Wed Dec 1 12:33:32 1993
From: Fred Cady ieefc at msu.oscs.montana.edu" <fred_c at ece.ee.montana.edu (Fred Cady ieefc at msu.oscs.montana.edu)
Date: Wed, 01 Dec 1993 07:33:32 EST
Subject: 4M5I M/S CQWW Score
Message-ID: <009765A4.D6714B20.7420 at ece.ee.montana.edu>
Call: 4M5I Country: Venezuela
Mode: CW Category: Multi Single
160 116 337 2.91 9 33
80 444 1302 2.93 17 66
40 1632 4865 2.98 33 106
20 1416 4204 2.97 36 118
15 1741 5184 2.98 31 106
10 911 2700 2.96 21 49
Totals 6260 18592 2.97 147 478 => 11,620,000
Operator List: WM2C, WS4E, YV5DTA, K0PP, KE7X
Station: Many thanks to Luis, YV5ENI.
Equipment Description: 2 - IC765+IC4Kl, TS430+Amp
Antennas: 4 el 10-15-20 Quad @ 50', 5 el 20m monobander @ 45'
40m dipole @ 35', 80m 5/8 wave inverted L for 80 and 160
>From Dubberstein Steve" <dubberstein_steve at msmailer.hkimd.cig.mot.com Wed Dec 1 14:57:06 1993
From: Dubberstein Steve" <dubberstein_steve at msmailer.hkimd.cig.mot.com (Dubberstein Steve)
Date: 1 Dec 1993 22:57:06 +0800
Subject: VS6WO CQWW CW M/M Score
Message-ID: <9312020434.AA28644 at hkcmpc1.hkimd.cig.mot.com>
Call: VS6WO Country: Hong Kong
Mode: CW Category: Multi Multi
160 181 250 1.38 14 24
80 1070 2357 2.20 27 77
40 2098 4981 2.37 35 108
20 1754 3865 2.20 36 105
15 2246 5254 2.34 35 117
10 939 1636 1.74 30 80
Totals 8288 18343 2.21 177 511 => 12,619,984
Operators: VS6WO, 9V1YC, WX9E, K5GO, AA2NS, VS6EY, VR2GO, VS6YHT
Notes: Five stations, all antennas on 1/2 of an apartment rooftop. Amazing
long path 10M opening at about 1230Z on Sunday yielded zones 4, 5, 8 and 9.
regards, steve VS6WO/NA9D
>From David C. Patton" <mudcp3 at uxa.ecn.bgu.edu Wed Dec 1 15:36:49 1993
From: David C. Patton" <mudcp3 at uxa.ecn.bgu.edu (David C. Patton)
Date: Wed, 1 Dec 1993 09:36:49 -0600 (CST)
Subject: K4VX/0 WWCW score
Message-ID: <199312011536.AA19933 at uxa.ecn.bgu.edu>
K4VX/0 Single-op all band, high power, no packet, by WX3N
160 72/18/ 42
80 291/26/ 77
40 486/35/114
20 496/37/111
15 647/32/105
10 73/19/ 41
2065/167/490 3.85M
(1) With condx so phenomenal on the low bands it was even more
difficult to CQ from the midwest! I should have been able to run
about 600 Qs on 80, but with the band stacked wall-to-wall with East
Coast and EU, Cqing was mostly hopeless. 40 was twice as bad. 20
was always dead.
(2) VX's 80 meter antenna: horizontal dipole @ 162' (described in
NCJ) is a cannon. Broke many pile-ups.
(3) The enormity of some of the scores is just hitting me. K1AR
worked 82 countries on 160! Wow.
(4) The big East Coast guys must have wore out the semi-rare DX,
because I couldn't get anybody to move!!
(5) Highlight QSOs: UN5J Longpath on 80 at 1130Z, EA on 10 on some
sort of forward scatter with stacks aimed at EU, 7Q7XX on 80 while he
was underneath a bunch of W1 types.
(6) Congrats to crews at W3LPL and KC1XX on two truly fantastic
(7) I went the whole 48 straight. Gotta question whether it's
really worth such effort from here.
>From Tony Brock-Fisher <fisher at hp-and.an.hp.com> Wed Dec 1 16:23:25 1993
From: Tony Brock-Fisher <fisher at hp-and.an.hp.com> (Tony Brock-Fisher)
Date: Wed, 1 Dec 93 11:23:25 -0500
Message-ID: <9312011623.AA15067 at hp-and.an.hp.com>
Does anyone know if there is a commercailly available rotator - PC
interface ? Before I build one, I thought I'd find out if such a thing
has been done before, and how useful it would be. Seems like it
would be nice to be able to rotate antennas right from the CT keyboard.
Any info? -Tony, K1KP
>From Peter Jennings <pjenning at comix.santa-cruz.ca.us> Wed Dec 1 15:30:04 1993
From: Peter Jennings <pjenning at comix.santa-cruz.ca.us> (Peter Jennings)
Date: Wed, 1 Dec 93 7:30:04 PST
Subject: Subject: Contest entries
Message-ID: <9312010730.aa03896 at comix.Santa-Cruz.Ca.US>
Tom, W0OSK writes:
> The ARRL - and others - who accept entries by Internet should provide
> confirmation e-mail back to the sender as was done with the Phone Sprint.
Dick, AA6MC replied:
> I received this confirmation from Billy Lunt:
> This acknowledges receipt of your 1993 ARRL November CW Sweepstakes
It's not just email entries that need confirmation.
My mailed CQWW entry from 2 years ago just plain disappeared.
It was no winning entry, but I would have liked to have seen my call in the
listings. If you mail it without a return receipt, you just don't really
know it got there. Moral of the story: If you care, send your
contest entry in by Certified Mail with a return receipt. At least then
you can blame CQ if it's lost.
Peter Jennings AB6WM C31LJ VE3SUN V31UN G0RZJ Fidonet:1:216/506
72470.3171 at compuserve.com ab6wm at comix.santa-cruz.ca.us (408) 336-3503
>From Peter Jennings <pjenning at comix.santa-cruz.ca.us> Wed Dec 1 15:30:37 1993
From: Peter Jennings <pjenning at comix.santa-cruz.ca.us> (Peter Jennings)
Date: Wed, 1 Dec 93 7:30:37 PST
Subject: 6V6U slim?
Message-ID: <9312010730.aa03902 at comix.Santa-Cruz.Ca.US>
Did anyone else notice what I took to be a slim signing 6V6U on
40 meters at 0231Z Nov 28. The operator was not nearly as proficient as
the one I heard handling the pileups most of the weekend and moments later
the "good op" was on 20 meters. Unless 6V6U was multi-op, it seemed
suspicious to me. Unfortunately, I didn't hear them both simultaneously.
Peter Jennings AB6WM C31LJ VE3SUN V31UN G0RZJ Fidonet:1:216/506
72470.3171 at compuserve.com ab6wm at comix.santa-cruz.ca.us (408) 336-3503
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