(1) balloon on 160, (2) delphi info

tavan at tss.com tavan at tss.com
Thu Dec 2 08:50:51 EST 1993

I tried Delphi during November.  Its reach via Internet
is very broad and it is indeed a cheap way to get on. 
However, their fastest links are 2400 baud, so forget
about any large file transfers.  NETCOM offers 14,400 at
something like $20/month.  My son uses it with a school
account and I do "outernet" email through work, so I
haven't set up my own account there and I'm not sure
about that price.  


/Rick N6XI
tavan at tss.com

>From Trey Garlough <GARLOUGH at TGV.COM>  Thu Dec  2 17:58:35 1993
From: Trey Garlough <GARLOUGH at TGV.COM> (Trey Garlough)
Date: Thu, 2 Dec 1993 09:58:35 -0800 (PST)
Subject: HD9N summary sheet
Message-ID: <754855115.864153.GARLOUGH at TGV.COM>

                   CQ WORLD WIDE DX CONTEST  1993

      Call: HD9N                     Country:  Ecuador
      Mode: CW                       Category: Single Operator


      160       38      103     2.71     10      15
       80      132      375     2.84     17      51
       40     1092     3239     2.97     27      84
       20      751     2202     2.93     34      92
       15     2110     6227     2.95     32     115
       10      725     2111     2.91     25      66

     Totals   4848    14257     2.94    145     423  =>  8,097,976

All reports sent were 59(9), unless otherwise noted.

Equipment Description:

Club Affiliation: Northern California Contest Club

This is to certify that in this contest I have operated
my transmitter within the limitations of my license and have
observed fully the rules and regulations of the contest.

                             Signature _________________________________


               Trey Garlough, WN4KKN/6  HD9N
               7375 Oak Ridge Road
               Aptos, CA 95003

>From Dave Hawes <34703 at vlf03v31.ueci.com>  Thu Dec  2 17:13:11 1993
From: Dave Hawes <34703 at vlf03v31.ueci.com> (Dave Hawes)
Date: 2 Dec 93 13:13:11 EDT
Subject: VP9AD CQ CW M/S Score
Message-ID: <56D8C07E0 at vlf03v31.ueci.com>

      Call: VP9AD                    Country:  Bermuda
      Mode: CW                       Category: Multi Single


      160      274      12      32
       80      533      21      78
       40     2181      36     123
       20     1367      34     111
       15     1563      29     104
       10      206      20      59
     Totals   6124     152     507  =>  9,852,709

Operators: N3RD, N3AD, KI3V

Club Affiliation: Frankford Radio Club

Some Europeans on 10 Saturday morning, but faded before we got the RUN
station there.  No Eu on 10 on Sunday.  No JA on 15.  Had great fun,
especially the QRQ runs on 40 meters.

Congratulations to the J6DX boys on their super score.  73 - Dave N3RD

>From Jim Hollenback <jholly at hposl42.cup.hp.com>  Thu Dec  2 18:45:07 1993
From: Jim Hollenback <jholly at hposl42.cup.hp.com> (Jim Hollenback)
Date: Thu, 2 Dec 93 10:45:07 PST
Subject: Contesting question
Message-ID: <9312021845.AA25846 at hposl42.cup.hp.com>

I was wondering if the more experienced readers would care to share their

I find a 'clear' spot on the dial and start calling cq. Very little response,
sometimes the response is directed to my call, i.e., WA6SDM your <...>.
Sometime the response just does not seem to make sense.  Once in a while
a kind soul will say WA6SDM, K7??? is calling on your frequency...the QRM
is terriable. Of course, K7??? is inside my skip zone and I don't hear the
first peep out of the guy.

So, how many times does one cq without a response before you start to feel
that maybe your 'sharing' a frequency? Do you move then? Does one just grit 
your teeth and keep working the frequency, hoping the other guy will give up 
and go away?

Any pearls of wisdom on picking a frequency?

jholly at cup.hp.com

>From sellington" <sellington at mail.ssec.wisc.edu  Thu Dec  2 13:00:24 1993
From: sellington" <sellington at mail.ssec.wisc.edu (sellington)
Date: 2 Dec 93 13:00:24 U
Subject: EA8EA ops for CQWW CW

>> Can anyone tell me who the ops were at EA8EA last weekend for CQWW CW?

>Ville, OH2MM.

>--Trey, WN4KKN/6

He did seem to be everywhere at once, didn't he?

Scott  K9MA

>From Dave Hawes <34703 at vlf03v31.ueci.com>  Thu Dec  2 18:42:39 1993
From: Dave Hawes <34703 at vlf03v31.ueci.com> (Dave Hawes)
Date: 2 Dec 93 14:42:39 EDT
Subject: P40W CQ CW Score
Message-ID: <6EB471543 at vlf03v31.ueci.com>

Just heard from John, W2GD, on the telephone:

P40W - 11.3M (6000 Qs)

He hasn't yet heard from EA8EA, either.

Dave Hawes                  Internet:  (now) 34703 at vlf03v31.ueci.com
Raytheon Engineers, Valley Forge, PA  (soon) dhawes at ccgate.ueci.com
Voice: 215-254-5167              Fax: 215-254-5134

>From blunt at arrl.org (Billy Lunt KR1R)  Thu Dec  2 20:22:27 1993
From: blunt at arrl.org (Billy Lunt KR1R) (Billy Lunt KR1R)
Date: Thu, 02 Dec 93 15:22:27 EST
Subject: ARRL 160-Meter Contest
Message-ID: <3562 at bl>

Just a reminder that this weekend is the ARRL 160-Meter Contest.

Starts 2200 UTC Dec 3 and ends at 1600 UTC Dec 5. 42-hour period
with no time limitation.

Club Competition.

For complete rules see November QST page 127.

Within 30 days after the contest, send your entries via:

INTERNET - ASCII summary sheet and ASCII log file 
          (following the ARRL Suggested File Format)
           to  contest at arrl.org

ARRL BBS - ASCII summary sheet and ASCII log file 
          (following the ARRL Suggested File Format)
           BBS up to 14.4-k baud  
           telephone: (203) 665-0090

DISK -     Paper summary sheet and ASCII log file 
          (following the ARRL Suggested File Format)
           3.5 or 5.25 inch diskettes (high or low density)

PAPER ENTRY - Official forms or reasonable facsimiles
              Summary sheet, logs, dupe sheets

Mailing Address: ARRL Contest Branch
                 225 Main Street
                 Newington, CT 06111


Contest Guru....."we check 'em all"

| Billy Lunt, KR1R               | Voice:       203-666-1541       |
| Contest Manager                | FAX:         203-665-7531       |
| American Radio Relay League    | ARRL BBS:    203-666-0578       |
| 225 Main Street                | BBS Uploads: 203-665-0090       |
| Newington, CT 06111            | Internet:    blunt at arrl.org     |

>From alan at dsd.es.com (Alan Brubaker)  Thu Dec  2 21:03:24 1993
From: alan at dsd.es.com (Alan Brubaker) (Alan Brubaker)
Date: Thu, 2 Dec 93 14:03:24 MST
Subject: The Great Colorado Shootout, K0RF vs. AA6TT
Message-ID: <9312022103.AA10047 at dsd.ES.COM>

David meets Goliath...

That is how some of us felt. Could we really do it? A last minute pep talk
from Chuck, K0RF, and 48 hours later we would all know. We had six stations
assembled and ready to go, and 13 operators as well. Band by band, here is
the breakdown. 

160 - by G3SZA           IC781/Alpha 87A/3 slopers and 3 beverages.
 80 - by K0RF/W0UN/N7RT  IC765/Alpha 87A/3 el rotary at 150'
 40 - by W0CP/K9AY       IC781/Alpha 87A/3 el rotary at 150', 2 el fixed at 80'
 20 - by N2IC/K0EU/KC0D  IC781/Alpha 76/6 over 6 stack, 5 el at 80'
 15 - by W0UA & others   IC781/Alpha 87A/6 over 6 over 6 stack, 4 el at 60'
 10 - by K6XO/W6UQF/K6UA FT1000/Alpha 76/7 over 7 stack, 4 el. fixed at 30'

160 - A teriffic effort by Dave - virtually solo. Most everything was
      worked Friday night/Saturday morning. Poor conditions on the
      second night. 44 JAs Saturday morning at sunrise. 4 Europeans
      Saturday evening. A clear win for K0RF.

        K0RF: 232/14/32    AA6TT: 144/14/29

 80 - Despite Murphy's evil deeds we were able to surpass AA6TT on
      this band - lost the matching section, the rotor and the
      computer. But Chuck hung in there and kept going.

        K0RF: 492/30/79    AA6TT: 352/29/82

 40 - Good job by the guys here - still, got beat by 'TT on this
      band. Bill's stack works.

        K0RF: 1272/35/130  AA6TT: 1303/39/136

 20 - Another fine effort by our ops - a close finish with 'RF
      getting a slim victory on this band.

        K0RF: 1390/39/138  AA6TT: 1395/37/135

 15 - What can you say. George gave it all he had. Very close with
      an edge to 'TT by virtue of a greater QSO total.

        K0RF: 760/34/122   AA6TT: 829/33/120

 10 - Not too bad for a "dead" band. No JAs here ('TT got 2 JAs).
      Some signals very weak on the stack and unreadable on the
      auxilliary 4 el. yagi. Two openings into Europe - OH/LA at
      2100Z Saturday, and EA/CT/F Sunday around 1700Z. AF very
      strong both mornings - got zone 39 Sunday. South Pacific
      surprisingly poor but better on Sunday. The band appeared
      to go nearly completely dead in the afternoons for some
      reason. We expected an opening to the far east Sunday
      afternoon, but it never occurred. Lost the amplifier Sunday, 
      but replaced it with a backup amp. 'TTs fine 32 element stack 
      wins on this band.

        K0RF: 228/24/64    AA6TT: 357/27/66

Overall scores (preliminary):

  K0RF   4374 QSOs   176 Zones  565 Countries   8,501,493
 AA6TT   4380 QSOs   179 Zones  568 Countries   8,250,615

The difference? K0RF QSO points:  11,473 (2.61 points/QSO)
               AA6TT QSO points:  11,045 (2.52 points/QSO)

Even though AA6TT had 6 more QSOs, 3 more zones and 3 more countries,
K0RF apparently had enough more non-W QSOs to come up with a 428 point 
lead in total QSO points, which was sufficient for the win. This is
just about as close as it can be and not be a dead heat. This sort of
competition is what contesting is all about. It takes a great deal of
effort on the part of the station owners to make the necessary 
preparations so that things are ready before the operators arrive. It
also takes a team of experienced operators to scour the bands for
every last possible QSO and multiplier. My hat is off to Bill and his
team for a fine effort and a memorable weekend. It was a thrill for
all of us at Chuck's to find out that we had apparently inched past 
them in the end. 

Alan, K6XO

>From Trey Garlough <GARLOUGH at TGV.COM>  Thu Dec  2 21:33:47 1993
From: Trey Garlough <GARLOUGH at TGV.COM> (Trey Garlough)
Date: Thu, 2 Dec 1993 13:33:47 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Frequenty Asked Questions (FAQ) list
Message-ID: <754868027.155153.GARLOUGH at TGV.COM>

  CQ-CONTEST at TGV.COM Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) List
		   Revised:  December 2, 1993


CQ-CONTEST at TGV.COM is an electronic mail reflector dedicated to hams
interested in all types of amateur radio contesting.  This is a good
place for score reports, expedition rumors, and other contest-related
discussion or announcements.  This forum is more like the NCJ than
QST; INFO-HAMS at UCSD.EDU and rec.radio.amateur.misc are good places to
look for a more rounded discussion of the hobby.

Although there is overlap between contesters and DXers, CQ-CONTEST is
not a DX-oriented group.  DX at UNBC.EDU is an electronic mail mailing
list dedicated to the discussion of DXing.  To "get on the list" for
the DXing discussion, send mail to DX-REQUEST at UNBC.EDU.

Each message you send to CQ-CONTEST at TGV.COM will be sent out to all
the other subscribers, kinda like a 2-meter repeater that has a
coverage radius of 12,000 miles or so.	Think of sending mail to the
list as the equivalent of an ANNOUNCE/FULL message on PacketCluster.
Use regular email to send a message to a specific individual.

Electronic mail is also different from packet radio, in that many
subscribers receive their email through commercial services such as
CompuServe and MCImail.  In essence, many people are paying for each
byte of every message sent to CQ-CONTEST.  In order to minimize
spurious messages, follow the operating hints detailed below.

How do I join CQ-CONTEST?

Subscription management is handled automatically by a program that
answers mail send to CQ-CONTEST-REQUEST at TGV.COM.  Send a message to
CQ-CONTEST-REQUEST at TGV.COM that says SUBSCRIBE if you wish to join the
group, or UNSUBSCRIBE if you want to drop out.	The Subject: line is
ignored.  Messages sent to CQ-CONTEST at TGV.COM are broadcast to *all*
readers, so don't send subscription requests there.

What are the suggested "operating practices" for CQ-CONTEST?

Put your name and call sign on every message you send.	We don't all
know everyone by just a call or a nickname.

Use a subject line that indicates the true subject of your message.

Wait a while before answering someone's question.  Six other people
have probably answered it already.  Many (if not most) answers should
go directly to the person who posed the question, rather than to the

Unlike PacketCluster, many people pay $$$ when they receive messages.
Some people pay per message, some per byte.  Therefore, please take
this into consideration when writing a response.  Would you pay $0.50
to read the message that you just wrote?

Eschew flamage.  If someone sends a flame to the list and you can't
bite your tongue, send your flaming reply directly back to the flaming
individual, not back to the list.  No one wants to pay $1.00 to read
these messages (the original flame + your reply).  Treat flamers the
way you would 2-meter repeater jammers - ignore them.

Make sure there is something of value in each message you send to the
list.  Avoid messages that are a complete reprint of someone else's
message, with nothing but "I agree" or "Me too" added to the bottom --
not much value there.

Some people pay by the byte, so when following up to someone else's
message, be sure to include only the essential pieces of thread of
note.  Don't include those 20 extra header lines that your mail
gateway tacked onto the original message.

How can I find out the email address of a particular contester?

John Pescatore, WB2EKK (pescatore_jt at ncsd.gte.com), and George Fremin,
WB5VZL (george554 at austin.relay.ucm.org), maintain fairly current lists
of contester email addresses.  Send a note to them asking for their

How can I find out more about the Internet?

Pick up a copy of the book _The Internet Companion_ by Tracy LaQuey,
Addison-Wesley, ISBN 0-201-62224-6.  If your local technical book
store doesn't carry it, you can order from Computer Literacy,
2590 North First Street, San Jose, CA 95131.  Their phone number is

73,  The Wouff Hong

>From aa2du at attmail.com (J P Kleinhaus )  Fri Dec  3 00:20:10 1993
From: aa2du at attmail.com (J P Kleinhaus ) (J P Kleinhaus )
Date: 3 Dec 93 00:20:10 GMT

Call: AA2DU (@K1VR)            Country:  United States
      Mode: CW                       Category: Single Unlimited


      160       57      149     2.61     10      40
       80      254      707     2.78     19      78
       40      539     1530     2.84     31     119
       20      568     1653     2.91     32     105
       15      548     1605     2.92     28     102
       10       52      131     2.52     20      43

     Totals   2018     5775     2.86    140     487  =>  3,620,925

Equipment Description:  Yaesu FT1000-D, Kenwood TS-930, Henry 2K,
Ameritron AL-1200, Stacked TH-6DXX's @ 61 and 97 feet, Cushcraft 40-2CD
at 90 feet, TH7DXX at 40 feet (2nd tower), 4-square vertical array (40 meters),
phased verticals (80 meters), Shunt-fed 100 foot tower (160 meters),
Inverted-vee @ 100 feet (160 meters), 1/4 wave slopers North and South
(160 meters), 6 beverages, various preamps etc, ICE bandpass filters
(mult and run stations), computers, CW Sendin' Machine, etc.

If anyone sees my missing sunspots, please call...also there is a CA$H reward
for the return of 10 meters...last seen headed South at high speed!! 

>From Jim Reisert AD1C  02-Dec-1993 1900 <reisert at wrksys.enet.dec.com>  Thu Dec  2 23:54:47 1993
From: Jim Reisert AD1C  02-Dec-1993 1900 <reisert at wrksys.enet.dec.com> (Jim Reisert AD1C 02-Dec-1993 1900)
Date: Thu, 2 Dec 93 18:54:47 EST
Subject: Latest ARRL.CTY (for use during ARRL 160 Contest)
Message-ID: <9312022354.AA05927 at us1rmc.bb.dec.com>

Sov Mil Order of Malta:   15:  1A:    1A;
Spratly Is.:              26:  1S:    1S,9M0S;
Monaco:                   14:  3A:    3A;
Agalega & St. Brandon:    39:  3B6:   3B6,3B7;
Mauritius:                39:  3B8:   3B8;
Rodriguez I.:             39:  3B9:   3B9;
Equatorial Guinea:        36:  3C:    3C;
Pagalu I.:                36:  3C0:   3C0;
Fiji:                     32:  3D2:   3D2;
Conway Reef:              32:  3D2/c: 3D2AM,3D2CR,3D2HL,3D2VT,3D2WV;
Rotuma:                   32:  3D2/r: 3D2AG,3D2AP,3D2DD,3D2RJ,3D2RW,3D2XR,3D2XV
&                                     3D2XX;
Swaziland:                38:  3DA:   3DA;
Tunisia:                  33:  3V:    3V,TS;
Vietnam:                  26:  3W:    3W,XV;
Republic of Guinea:       35:  3X:    3X;
Bouvet:                   38:  3Y:    3Y;
Peter I I.:               12:  3Y/p:  3Y1EE;
Malyj Vysotskij I.:       16:  4J1:   4J1FM,4J1FS,4J1FW;
Franz Josef Land:         40:  4K2:   4K2;
Sri Lanka:                22:  4S:    4P,4Q,4R,4S;
ITU HQ Geneva:            14:  4U1I:  4U0ITU,4U1ITU,4U2ITU,4U3ITU,4U4ITU,4U5ITU
&                                     4U6ITU,4U7ITU,4U8ITU,4U9ITU;
United Nations HQ NY:     05:  4U1U:  4U0U,4U1U,4U43,4U44,4U45,4U46,4U47,4U48;
Yemen:                    21:  4W:    4W;
Israel:                   20:  4X:    4X,4Z;                                  AS
Libya:                    34:  5A:    5A;
Cyprus:                   20:  5B:    5B,C4,H2,P3;                            AS
Tanzania:                 37:  5H:    5H,5I;
Nigeria:                  35:  5N:    5N,5O;
Madagascar:               39:  5R:    5R,5S,6X;
Mauritania:               35:  5T:    5T;
Niger:                    35:  5U:    5U;
Togo:                     35:  5V:    5V;
Western Samoa:            32:  5W:    5W;
Uganda:                   37:  5X:    5X;
Kenya:                    37:  5Z:    5Y,5Z;
Senegal:                  35:  6W:    6V,6W;
Jamaica:                  08:  6Y:    6Y;
Lesotho:                  38:  7P:    7P;
Malawi:                   37:  7Q:    7Q;
Algeria:                  33:  7X:    7R,7T,7U,7V,7W,7X,7Y;
Barbados:                 08:  8P:    8P;
Maldive Is.:              22:  8Q:    8Q;
Guyana:                   09:  8R:    8R;
Croatia:                  15:  9A:    9A;
Ghana:                    35:  9G:    9G;
Malta:                    15:  9H:    9H;
Zambia:                   36:  9J:    9I,9J;
Kuwait:                   21:  9K:    9K;
Sierra Leone:             35:  9L:    9L;
West Malaysia:            28:  9M2:   9M2,9M4,9W2,9W4;                        AS
East Malaysia:            28:  9M6:   9M6,9M8,9W6,9W8;
Nepal:                    22:  9N:    9N;
Zaire:                    36:  9Q:    9O,9P,9Q,9R,9S,9T;
Burundi:                  36:  9U:    9U;
Singapore:                28:  9V:    9V,S6;                                  AS
Rwanda:                   36:  9X:    9X;
Trinidad & Tobago:        09:  9Y:    9Y,9Z;
Botswana:                 38:  A2:    8O,A2;
Tonga:                    32:  A3:    A3;
Oman:                     21:  A4:    A4;
Bhutan:                   22:  A5:    A5;
United Arab Emirates:     21:  A6:    A6;
Qatar:                    21:  A7:    A7;
Bahrain:                  21:  A9:    A9;
Pakistan:                 21:  AP:    6P,6Q,6R,6S,AP,AQ,AR,AS;
Taiwan:                   24:  BV:    BV;
China:                    24:  BY:    3H,3I,3J,3K,3L,3M,3N,3O,3P,3Q,3R,3S,3T,3U
&                                     B,XS;
Nauru:                    31:  C2:    C2;
Andorra:                  14:  C3:    C3;
The Gambia:               35:  C5:    C5;
Bahamas:                  08:  C6:    C6;
Mozambique:               37:  C9:    C8,C9;
Chile:                    12:  CE:    3G,CA,CB,CC,CD,CE,XQ,XR;
Easter I.:                12:  CE0A:  3G0,CE0,XQ0,XR0;
San Felix I.:             12:  CE0X:  CE0X,XQ0X,XR0X;
Juan Fernandez Is.:       12:  CE0Z:  CE0CEW,CE0I,CE0MTY,CE0OGZ,CE0Z,XQ0I,XQ0Z
&                                     XR0I,XR0Z;
Antarctica:               13:  CE9:   3G9A,3Y9WT,4K1,7S8AAA,7S8BBB,8J1RL,8J1RM
&                                     AT0A,CE9AP,CE9OH,CE9SAC,CE9SDJ,DP0GVN
&                                     FB8Y,FT0Y,FT2Y,FT4Y,FT5Y,FT8Y,IA/I3JPA
&                                     IA0PS,KC4AAA,KC4AAB,KC4AAC,KC4AAD,KC4AAE
&                                     KC4USA,KC4USB,KC4USC,KC4USD,KC4USE,KC4USF
&                                     KC4USG,KC4USK,KC4USL,KC4USM,KC4USV,KC4USX
&                                     KC4USY,LU4ZS,OR4,VK0CH,VK0DS,VK0JV,VK0KC
&                                     VK0LL,VK0MN,VK0MP,VK0NE,VP8FAR,VP8HAL
&                                     VP8ROT,VP8SSW,ZL0AIC,ZL5,ZS7ANT;
Cuba:                     08:  CM:    CL,CM,CO,T4;
Morocco:                  33:  CN:    5C,5D,5E,5F,5G,CN;
Bolivia:                  10:  CP:    CP;
Portugal:                 14:  CT:    CQ,CR,CS,CT,XX;
Madeira Is.:              33:  CT3:   CQ3,CQ9,CR3,CR9,CS3,CS9,CT3,CT9,XX3;
Azores:                   14:  CU:    CU;
Uruguay:                  13:  CX:    CV,CW,CX;
Sable I.:                 05:  CY0:   CY0;
St. Paul I.:              05:  CY9:   CY0SPI,CY9;
Angola:                   36:  D2:    D2,D3;
Cape Verde:               35:  D4:    D4;
Comoros:                  39:  D6:    D6;
Fed. Rep. of Germany:     14:  DL:    D,Y;
Philippines:              27:  DU:    4D,4E,4F,4G,4H,4I,DU,DV,DW,DX,DY,DZ;
Eritrea:                  37:  E3:    E3;
Spain:                    14:  EA:    AM,AN,AO,EA,EB,EC,ED,EE,EF,EG,EH;
Balearic Is.:             14:  EA6:   AM6,AN6,AO6,EA6,EB6,EC6,ED6,EE6,EF6,EG6
&                                     EH6;
Canary Is.:               33:  EA8:   AM8,AN8,AO8,EA8,EB8,EC8,ED8,EE8,EF8,EG8
&                                     EH8;
Ceuta and Melilla:        33:  EA9:   AM9,AN9,AO9,EA9,EB9,EC9,ED9,EE9,EF9,EG9
&                                     EH9;
Ireland:                  14:  EI:    EI,EJ;
Liberia:                  35:  EL:    5L,5M,6Z,A8,D5,EL;
Iran:                     21:  EP:    9B,9C,9D,EP,EQ;
Estonia:                  15:  ES:    ES;
Ethiopia:                 37:  ET:    9E,9F,ET;
France:                   14:  F:     F,HW,HX,HY,TH,TM,TP,TQ,TV,TW,TX;
Guadeloupe:               08:  FG:    FG;
Mayotte:                  39:  FH:    FH;
French St. Martin:        08:  FJ:    FJ,FS;
New Caledonia:            32:  FK:    50USA,FK;
Martinique:               08:  FM:    FM,TO5M;
French Polynesia:         32:  FO:    FO,TO8K;
Clipperton I.:            07:  FO/c:  FO0CI;
St. Pierre & Miquelon:    05:  FP:    FP;
Reunion:                  39:  FR:    FR;
Glorioso:                 39:  FR/g:  FR/G,FR5AI,FR7GL;
Juan de Nova & Europa:    39:  FR/j:  FR/E,FR/J,FR4FA,FR5ZQ/J;
Tromelin:                 39:  FR/t:  FR/T,FR5ZU/T,FR7CG;
Crozet:                   39:  FT8W:  FB8WZ,FT0W,FT2W,FT4W,FT5W,FT8W;
Kerguelen:                39:  FT8X:  FT0X,FT2X,FT4X,FT5X,FT8X;
Amsterdam & St. Paul:     39:  FT8Z:  FT0Z,FT2Z,FT4Z,FT5Z,FT8Z;
Wallis & Futuna Is.:      32:  FW:    FW;
French Guiana:            09:  FY:    FY;
England:                  14:  G:     2,G,M;
Isle of Man:              14:  GD:    2D,2T,GD,GT,MD,MT;
Northern Ireland:         14:  GI:    2I,2N,GI,GN,MI,MN;
Jersey:                   14:  GJ:    2H,2J,GH,GJ,MH,MJ;
Scotland:                 14:  GM:    2M,2S,GM,GS,MM,MS;
Guernsey:                 14:  GU:    2P,2U,GP,GU,MP,MU;
Wales:                    14:  GW:    2C,2W,GC,GW,MC,MW;
Solomon Is.:              28:  H4:    H4;
Hungary:                  15:  HA:    HA,HG;
Switzerland:              14:  HB:    HB,HE;
Liechtenstein:            14:  HB0:   HB0,HE0;
Ecuador:                  10:  HC:    HC,HD;
Galapagos Is.:            10:  HC8:   HC8,HD8;
Haiti:                    08:  HH:    4V,HH;
Dominican Republic:       08:  HI:    HI;
Colombia:                 09:  HK:    5J,5K,HJ,HK;
San Andres & Providencia: 07:  HK0/a: 5J0,5K0,HJ0,HK0;
Malpelo I.:               09:  HK0/m: 5J0M,5K0M,HJ0M,HK0M,HK0TU;
South Korea:              25:  HL:    6K,6L,6M,6N,D7,D8,D9,DS,DT,HL;
North Korea:              25:  HM:    HM,P5,P6,P7,P8,P9;
Panama:                   07:  HP:    3E,3F,H3,H8,H9,HO,HP;
Honduras:                 07:  HR:    HQ,HR;
Thailand:                 26:  HS:    E2,HS;
Vatican:                  15:  HV:    HV;
Saudi Arabia:             21:  HZ:    7Z,8Z,HZ;
Italy:                    15:  I:     I;
Sardinia:                 15:  IS:    IM0,IS,IW0,IY0;
Djibouti:                 37:  J2:    J2;
Grenada:                  08:  J3:    J3;
Guinea-Bissau:            35:  J5:    J5;
St. Lucia:                08:  J6:    J6;
Dominica:                 08:  J7:    J7;
St. Vincent:              08:  J8:    J8;
Japan:                    25:  JA:    7J,7K,7L,7M,7N,8J,8K,8L,8M,8N,J,KA2CC
&                                     KA2DX,KA2EX;
Minami Torishima:         27:  JD/m:  7J1ACH,JD1YAA;
Ogasawara:                27:  JD/o:  JD1,KA2IJ;                              AS
Mongolia:                 23:  JT:    JT,JU,JV;
Svalbard:                 40:  JW:    JW;
Jan Mayen:                40:  JX:    JX;
Jordan:                   20:  JY:    JY;                                     AS
United States:            05:  K:     4U1WB,A,K,N,W;
Belau:                    27:  KC6:   KC6;
Guantanamo Bay:           08:  KG4:   KG4;
Mariana Is.:              27:  KH0:   AH0,KG6RI,KG6SB,KG6SL,KH0,NH0,WH0;
Baker & Howland Is.:      31:  KH1:   AH1,KH1,NH1,WH1;
Guam:                     27:  KH2:   AH2,KG6ARL,KG6DV,KG6DX,KG6JEI,KG6JHC
&                                     KG6JJH,KG6JJP,KG6JKG,KG6JKT,KG6JKV,KH2
&                                     NH2,WH2;
Johnston I.:              31:  KH3:   AH3,KH3,KJ6BZ,NH3,WH3;
Midway I.:                31:  KH4:   AH4,KH4,NH4,WH4;
Palmyra & Jarvis Is.:     31:  KH5:   AH5,KH5,NH5,WH5;
Kingman Reef:             31:  KH5K:  AH5K,KH5K,NH5K,WH5K;
Hawaii:                   31:  KH6:   AH6,KH6,NH6,WH6;
Kure I.:                  31:  KH7:   AH7,KH7,NH7,WH7;
American Samoa:           32:  KH8:   AH8,KH8,KS6BK,KS6CQ,KS6DV,KS6EL,KS6FL
&                                     KS6FO,KS6FS,NH8,WH8;
Wake I.:                  31:  KH9:   AH9,KH9,NH9,WH9;
Alaska:                   01:  KL7:   AL7,KL7,NL7,WL7;
Navassa I.:               08:  KP1:   KP1,NP1,WP1;
US Virgin Is.:            08:  KP2:   KP2,KV4AD,KV4AQ,KV4BA,KV4BS,KV4BT,KV4BV
&                                     KV4CF,KV4CQ,KV4CR,KV4CS,KV4EW,KV4EY,KV4FW
&                                     KV4FZ,KV4GJ,KV4HC,KV4HH,KV4HR,KV4IE,KV4IH
&                                     KV4II,KV4IJ,KV4JC,KV4KD,KV4KW,NP2,WP2;
Puerto Rico:              08:  KP4:   KP4,NP4,WP4;
Desecheo I.:              08:  KP5:   KP5,NP5,WP5;
Norway:                   14:  LA:    LA,LB,LC,LD,LE,LF,LG,LH,LI,LJ,LK,LL,LM,LN;
Argentina:                13:  LU:    AY,AZ,L;
Luxembourg:               14:  LX:    LX;
Lithuania:                15:  LY:    LY;
Bulgaria:                 20:  LZ:    LZ;
Peru:                     10:  OA:    4T,OA,OB,OC;
Lebanon:                  20:  OD:    OD,SM1TDE/4U;                           AS
Austria:                  15:  OE:    OE;
Finland:                  15:  OH:    OF,OG,OH,OI;
Aland Is.:                15:  OH0:   OF0,OG0,OH0,OI0;
Market Reef:              15:  OJ0:   OH0MA,OH0MB,OH0MD,OJ0;
Czech Republic:           15:  OK:    OK,OL;
Slovakia:                 15:  OM:    OM;
Belgium:                  14:  ON:    ON,OO,OP,OQ,OR,OS,OT;
Greenland:                40:  OX:    OX;                                     NA
Faroe Is.:                14:  OY:    OY;
Denmark:                  14:  OZ:    5P,5Q,OU,OV,OW,OZ,XP;
Papua New Guinea:         28:  P2:    P2;
Aruba:                    09:  P4:    P4;
Netherlands:              14:  PA:    PA,PB,PC,PD,PE,PF,PG,PH,PI;
Netherlands Antilles:     09:  PJ2:   PJ0,PJ1,PJ2,PJ3,PJ4,PJ9;
Sint Maarten:             08:  PJ7:   PJ5,PJ6,PJ7,PJ8;
Brazil:                   11:  PY:    PP,PQ,PR,PS,PT,PU,PV,PW,PX,PY,ZV,ZW,ZX,ZY
&                                     ZZ;
Fernando de Noronha:      11:  PY0F:  PP0F,PQ0F,PR0F,PS0F,PT0F,PU0F,PV0F,PW0F
&                                     PX0F,PY0F,ZV0F,ZW0F,ZX0F,ZY0F,ZZ0F;
St. Peter & St. Paul:     11:  PY0S:  PP0S,PQ0S,PR0S,PS0S,PT0S,PU0S,PV0S,PW0S
&                                     PX0S,PY0S,ZV0S,ZW0S,ZX0S,ZY0S,ZZ0S;
Trindade & Martim Vaz:    11:  PY0T:  PP0T,PQ0T,PR0T,PS0T,PT0T,PU0T,PV0T,PW0T
&                                     PX0T,PY0T,ZV0T,ZW0T,ZX0T,ZY0T,ZZ0T;
Suriname:                 09:  PZ:    PZ;
Western Sahara:           33:  S0:    S0;
Bangladesh:               22:  S2:    S2,S3;
Slovenia:                 15:  S5:    S5;
Seychelles:               39:  S7:    S7;
Sao Tome & Principe:      36:  S9:    S9;
Sweden:                   14:  SM:    7S,8S,SA,SB,SC,SD,SE,SF,SG,SH,SI,SJ,SK,SL
&                                     SM;
Poland:                   15:  SP:    3Z,HF,SN,SO,SP,SQ,SR;
Sudan:                    34:  ST:    6T,6U,ST;
Southern Sudan:           34:  ST0:   6T0,6U0,ST0;
Egypt:                    34:  SU:    6A,6B,SS,SU;
Greece:                   20:  SV:    J4,SV,SW,SX,SZ;
Dodecanese:               20:  SV5:   J45,SV5,SW5,SX5,SZ5;
Crete:                    20:  SV9:   J49,SV9,SW9,SX9,SZ9;
Mount Athos:              20:  SY:    SY;
Tuvalu:                   31:  T2:    T2;
Western Kiribati:         31:  T30:   T30;
Central Kiribati:         31:  T31:   T31;
Eastern Kiribati:         31:  T32:   T32;
Banaba:                   31:  T33:   T33;
Somalia:                  37:  T5:    6O,T5;
San Marino:               15:  T7:    T7;
Bosnia-Herzegovina:       15:  T9:    T9;
Turkey:                   20:  TA:    TA,TB,TC,YM;                            AS
Iceland:                  40:  TF:    TF;
Guatemala:                07:  TG:    TD,TG;
Costa Rica:               07:  TI:    TE,TI;
Cocos I.:                 07:  TI9:   TE9,TI9;
Cameroon:                 36:  TJ:    TJ;
Corsica:                  15:  TK:    TK;
Central African Rep:      36:  TL:    TL;
Congo:                    36:  TN:    TN;
Gabon:                    36:  TR:    TR;
Chad:                     36:  TT:    TT;
Ivory Coast:              35:  TU:    TU;
Benin:                    35:  TY:    TY;
Mali:                     35:  TZ:    TZ;
European Russia:          16:  UA:    4K0,4K3,R,U;
Kaliningrad:              15:  UA2:   R2,RA2,RK2,RV2,RW2,RX2,RZ2,U2,UA2,UK2,UV2
&                                     UW2,UZ2;
Asiatic Russia:           17:  UA9:   4K4,4K5,4K6,4K7,R0,R10F,R8,R9,RA0,RA8,RA9
&                                     RK0,RK8,RK9,RV0,RV8,RV9,RW0,RW8,RW9,RX0
&                                     RX8,RX9,RZ0,RZ8,RZ9,U0,U8,U9,UA0,UA8,UA9
&                                     UK0,UK8,UK9,UV0,UV8,UV9,UW0,UW8,UW9,UZ0
&                                     UZ8,UZ9;
Ukraine:                  16:  UB:    4K5ZI,EM,EN,EO,R5,RB,RT,RY,U5,UB,UR,US,UT
&                                     UU,UX,UY;
Belarus:                  16:  UC:    EU,EV,EW,R2C,RC,U2C,UC;
Azerbaijan:               21:  UD:    4K,R6D,RD,U6D,UD;
Georgia:                  21:  UF:    4L,R6F,RF,U6F,UF;
Armenia:                  21:  UG:    4J,EK,R6G,RG,U6G,UG;
Turkmenistan:             17:  UH:    EZ,R8H,RH,U8H,UH;
Uzbekistan:               17:  UI:    R8I,RI,U8I,UI,UK;
Tajikistan:               17:  UJ:    EY,R8J,RJ,U8J,UJ;
Kazakhstan:               17:  UL:    R7,RL,U7,UL,UN,UP,UQ;
Kyrgyzstan:               17:  UM:    EX,R8M,RM,U8M,UM;
Moldova:                  16:  UO:    ER,R5O,RO,U5O,UO;
Antigua & Barbuda:        08:  V2:    V2;
Belize:                   07:  V3:    V3;
St. Kitts & Nevis:        08:  V4:    V4;
Namibia:                  38:  V5:    V5;
Micronesia:               27:  V6:    V6;
Marshall Is.:             31:  V7:    KX6BU,V7;
Brunei:                   28:  V8:    V8;
Canada:                   05:  VE:    CF,CG,CH,CI,CJ,CK,CY,CZ,VA,VB,VC,VD,VE,VF
&                                     VG,VO,VX,VY,XJ,XK,XL,XM,XN,XO;
Australia:                30:  VK:    AX,VH,VI,VJ,VK,VL,VM,VN,VZ;
Heard I.:                 39:  VK0H:  VK0HI;
Macquarie I.:             30:  VK0M:  AX0,VH0,VI0,VJ0,VK0,VL0,VM0,VN0,VZ0;
Cocos-Keeling:            29:  VK9C:  AX9C,AX9Y,VH9C,VH9Y,VI9C,VI9Y,VJ9C,VJ9Y
&                                     VK9C,VK9EW,VK9WB,VK9Y,VL9C,VL9Y,VM9C,VM9Y
&                                     VN9C,VN9Y,VZ9C,VZ9Y;
Lord Howe I.:             30:  VK9L:  AX9L,VH9L,VI9L,VJ9L,VK9AE,VK9L,VK9YQS
&                                     VL9L,VM9L,VN9L,VZ9L;
Mellish Reef:             30:  VK9M:  AX9M,VH9M,VI9M,VJ9M,VK9M,VL9M,VM9M,VN9M
&                                     VZ9M;
Norfolk I.:               32:  VK9N:  AX9,VH9,VI9,VJ9,VK9,VL9,VM9,VN9,VZ9;
Willis I.:                30:  VK9W:  AX9W,VH9W,VI9W,VJ9W,VK9GS,VK9TR,VK9W
&                                     VK9ZG,VL9W,VM9W,VN9W,VZ9W;
Christmas I.:             29:  VK9X:  AX9X,VH9X,VI9X,VJ9X,VK9X,VL9X,VM9X,VN9X
&                                     VZ9X;
Anguilla:                 08:  VP2E:  VP2E;
Montserrat:               08:  VP2M:  VP2M;
British Virgin Is.:       08:  VP2V:  VP2V;
Turks & Caicos:           08:  VP5:   VP5;
Falkland Is.:             13:  VP8:   92HY,VP8;
South Georgia:            13:  VP8/g: VP8BUB,VP8CBA,VP8CDJ,VP8CGK,VP8CIZ,VP8CKB
&                                     VP8CLR,VP8GAV,VP8SGB;
South Shetland:           13:  VP8/h: 4K1ADQ,4K1F,CE3MMV/9,CE9AT,CE9GEW,CX0XY
&                                     EA0BOD,ED0BOE,HF0POL,HL5BDS,LU2Z,LU3ZI
&                                     LU5ZI,VP8CLZ,ZX0ECF;
South Orkney:             13:  VP8/o: EC0BOD,LU1Z,LU5ZA,VP8BXK,VP8CFM,VP8CKC;
South Sandwich:           13:  VP8/s: 4K1ZI,VP8SSI;
Bermuda:                  05:  VP9:   VP9;
Chagos Is.:               39:  VQ9:   VQ9;
Pitcairn I.:              32:  VR6:   VR6,VR8B;
Hong Kong:                24:  VS6:   VR2,VS6;
India:                    22:  VU:    8T,8U,8V,8W,8X,8Y,AT,AU,AV,AW,VT,VU,VV,VW;
Andaman & Nicobar:        26:  VU4:   8T4,8U4,8V4,8W4,8X4,8Y4,AT4,AU4,AV4,AW4
&                                     VT4,VU4,VV4,VW4;
Laccadive Is.:            22:  VU7:   8T7,8U7,8V7,8W7,8X7,8Y7,AT7,AU7,AV7,AW7
&                                     VT7,VU7,VV7,VW7;
Mexico:                   06:  XE:    4A,4B,4C,6D,6E,6F,6G,6H,6I,6J,XA,XB,XC,XD
&                                     XE,XF,XG,XH,XI;
Revilla Gigedo:           06:  XF4:   4A4,4B4,4C4,6D4,6E4,6F4,6G4,6H4,6I4,6J4
&                                     XA4,XB4,XC4,XD4,XE4,XF0C,XF4,XG4,XH4,XI4;
Burkina Faso:             35:  XT:    XT;
Kampuchea:                26:  XU:    XU;
Laos:                     26:  XW:    XW;
Macao:                    24:  XX9:   XX9;
Myanmar:                  26:  XZ:    1Z,XY,XZ;
Afghanistan:              21:  YA:    T6,YA;
Indonesia:                28:  YB:    7A,7B,7C,7D,7E,7F,7G,7H,7I,8A,8B,8C,8D,8E
&                                     8F,8G,8H,8I,JZ,PK,PL,PM,PN,PO,YB,YC,YD,YE
&                                     YF,YG,YH;
Iraq:                     21:  YI:    HN,YI;
Vanuatu:                  32:  YJ:    YJ;
Syria:                    20:  YK:    4U,6C,YK;                               AS
Latvia:                   15:  YL:    YL;
Nicaragua:                07:  YN:    H6,H7,HT,YN;
Romania:                  20:  YO:    YO,YP,YQ,YR;
El Salvador:              07:  YS:    HU,YS;
Yugoslavia:               15:  YU:    4N,4O,YT,YU,YZ;
Venezuela:                09:  YV:    4M,YV,YW,YX,YY;
Aves I.:                  08:  YV0:   4M0,YV0,YW0,YX0,YY0;
Zimbabwe:                 38:  Z2:    Z2;
Macedonia:                15:  Z3:    Z3;
Albania:                  15:  ZA:    ZA;
Gibraltar:                14:  ZB:    ZB,ZG;
UK Bases on Cyprus:       20:  ZC4:   ZC4;                                    AS
St. Helena:               36:  ZD7:   ZD7;
Ascension I.:             36:  ZD8:   ZD8;
Tristan da Cunha:         38:  ZD9:   ZD9;
Cayman Is.:               08:  ZF:    ZF;
North Cook Is.:           32:  ZK1/n: ZK1AAH,ZK1AJJ,ZK1AL,ZK1AR,ZK1AT,ZK1BW
&                                     ZK1BY,ZK1CQ,ZK1DT,ZK1OQ,ZK1TW,ZK1WL,ZK1XP
&                                     ZK1XR,ZK1XY;
South Cook Is.:           32:  ZK1/s: ZK1;
Niue:                     32:  ZK2:   ZK2;
Tokelau Is.:              31:  ZK3:   ZK3;
New Zealand:              32:  ZL:    ZL,ZM;
Chatham Is.:              32:  ZL7:   ZL7,ZM7;
Kermadec Is.:             32:  ZL8:   ZL8,ZM8;
Auckland & Campbell:      32:  ZL9:   ZL9,ZM9;
Paraguay:                 11:  ZP:    ZP;
South Africa:             38:  ZS:    H5,S4,S8,T8,V9,ZR,ZS,ZT,ZU;
Penguin Is.:              38:  ZS0:   ZS0;
Marion I.:                38:  ZS8:   ZR8,ZS8,ZT8,ZU8;
Walvis Bay:               38:  ZS9:   ZS9;

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