ARRL 160m Contest

wmhein at wmhein at
Sun Dec 5 10:11:54 EST 1993

1993 ARRL 160m Contest

Tiffany, Colorado
single operator, high power

951 QSOs x (7 countries + 73 sections) = 155,280 points

a)  Lost 90 minutes to a power outage Friday night during "prime time."

b)  Conditions seemed fairly poor.  East Coast was never very strong, lots of
noise from the SE, never heard a European or African station, and I worked
less than 10 JAs.  Worked two ZLs, but no VKs.

c)  Not too many DX stations active -- perhaps the ARRL can do something to
spur international interest in this contest???

d)  I was gunning for 1,000 QSOs, but new stations were extremely hard to
locate after midnite Saturday.

Bill AA6TT

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