KC1XX single-op assisted

Alpha Personal Systems -- DTN 223-5747 -- MLO3-6/B8 22-Feb-1993 1645 reisert at mast.enet.dec.com
Mon Feb 22 16:40:41 EST 1993

Matt had 1934x429 for 2.5M points.  He lost his Alpha amp Friday night, so
had no 160 for rest of contest.

A few of us will be doing Multi/Single from his place for the SSB contest,
using AD1C.

73 - Jim AD1C

Jim Reisert                     Internet:  reisert at mast.enet.dec.com
Digital Equipment Corp.         UUCP:      ...decwrl!mast.enet.dec.com!reisert
146 Main Street	- MLO3-6/C9	Voice:     508-493-5747
Maynard, MA  01754		FAX:       508-493-0395

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