JA activity

n2ic at druwa.att.com n2ic at druwa.att.com
Tue Feb 23 07:53:00 EST 1993

K3NA writes:

   At W3LPL the JA opening did not seriously start until 2300-2330z.  JAs
were loud both days ... but activity levels seemed down.  (West coast
stations: is this decline in JA activity something you see there?)

>From my Colorado perspective, the JA activity is no worse than it has
been for the past 2 or 3 years.  The big decline in JA activity occurred
from around 1982 until 1989, and now seems to have stabilized.  My
JA rates actually seemed better this time - probably because the JA
activity was concentrated on the one band that was open to the USA, rather
than spread across 2 or 3 open bands.  On 15 meters approx. 300 of my 769
QSO's were JA, and on 40 meters 400 out of 510 QSO's (the EU opening
was THAT bad here).  It has been at least 4 years since my highest rate
hour was a JA run.  This contest was no exception (best hour: 15Z Saturday, 15

Steve, N2IC/0

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