Howard Hoyt k4pql at vnet.ibm.com
Tue Feb 23 12:29:12 EST 1993

Users of NA should check their country.dat; 7.08 did not
break out OK/OM.
Thanks Billy,
From: tzimmer at arrl.org (Tammy-Beth Zimmerman KA1WWP)
Reply-To: tzimmer at arrl.org
To: k4pql at vnet.ibm.com


I received your EMAIL logs for the 93 CW DX Test. Yes, you should
include your summary sheet file, along with your log file. If you
were to USPS your summary sheet and EMAIL only your log, we may
never get the two together, due to the tremendous amount of mail
we receive here at HQ.

You sent us the wrong log file, but I have edited it into correct
format for you. You sent us the PRINTER file. What we want is the
K4PQL.LOG file. NA and CT both generate this file in correct format.
The PRINTER file has headers, footers, blank lines, and forced page
breaks. These should not be in your LOG file.

Also, I noticed that you did not edit your CTY file to include as
separate multipliers: Czech Republic (OK,OL) and Slovak Republic (OM).
I marked the six new multipliers for you. You now have 370 multipliers
and a corrected score of 2,257,740 points. Pass the word about these
multipliers for the DX TEST in your area. Thanks.

Billy Lunt, KR1R
Contest Manager, ARRL

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