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BruceB.Sawyer BruceB.Sawyer
Fri Feb 26 15:55:31 EST 1993

To: cq-contest at
Subject:  ZF2TV Results
I just returned at 2 am this morning from my trip to Little Cayman Island.
What a blast!  It was my first time at the far end of the pile and I found
it both exhilarating and intimidating.  The place was real paradise, and
I almost bagged the contest at the end of the first day to go diving--it 
was hard to stay indoors and work the contest when the West's greatest 
SCUBA was only yards away.  But I stayed with it, and here is the result
of hammering away for 44 hours as single op:

 Band     Q's    Mult's
  160     116      32
   80     500      50
   40     700      54
   20     876      57
   15    1034      58
   10    1158      58

Total    4384     309  ==> Total Score 4,063,968

If anybody needs a card, QSL (with SASE, please) to my home call, AA6KX


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