Snake Antenna

Robert A. Wilson n6tv at
Wed Jan 6 02:37:04 EST 1993

Don't waste your time.

I built a snake to Doug Demaw's "specifications" as published in QST.
Bought 100' of RG-58 and a 2 watt 50 ohm terminating resistor.  It
worked like a dummy load.  Couldn't hear a thing.

I called ARRL to ask them what I did wrong.  K1TD and NJ2L were very
apologetic at not having reviewed the article carefully before it went
to press.  They were so embarassed at hearing that I had actually
invested money in the project that the sent me a brand new ARRL Antenna
Book at no charge.  They even autographed it.  Thank you!        .

The antenna MIGHT work if you use really CHEAP coax (<75% shield), but
I wouldn't bother.

Bob, N6TV

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