MI-QRP Result

Alan Brubaker alan at dsd.es.com
Thu Jan 7 07:49:22 EST 1993

Likewise, I got on during the Michigan QRP club CW contest. I also try to get on
for the other QRP contests which occur during the year - mostly to give out the
Utah mulitplier. I crank the '930 down to 5 watts output - it is surprising what
you can and sometimes cannot work with low power. I am not a QRP fanatic or 
anything like that, but it is something different to do on a snowy winter day.

K6XO/7  5 watts  Single operator

Band   QSOs    Mult.

40      12      11
20      51      24
15      28      19

Total   90      54

CU in the NAQP

Alan, K6XO

alan at dsd.es.com

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