Congratulations, Trey!
Jim Reisert, AD1C 27-Jan-1993 1348
reisert at
Wed Jan 27 13:44:03 EST 1993
ARRL Bulletin 6 ARLB006
>From ARRL Headquarters
Newington CT January 26, 1993
To all radio amateurs
ARLB006 NCJ to change editors
A change of editors is in the works for the ARRL's National Contest
Journal. Stepping down effective with the July/August issue after
four years is current editor Tom Taormina, K5RC, of Bellville,
Texas. He will be replaced by Trey Garlough, WN4KKN, who lives in
Santa Cruz, Calif.
Trey, who is 29, got his Novice license in 1974 at age 10. He holds
a bachelors degree in computer science from the University of Texas
at Austin and is on the technical staff of TGV, Inc., a vendor of
networking products for minicomputers.
In 1987 Trey joined the NCJ as a contributing editor, managing the
North American Sprint CW contest, among other jobs. Asked what his
goals will be as editor of the NCJ, Trey said, ''I hope to contribute
to the continued success the NCJ has experienced under the
stewardship of Tom Taormina, K5RC.''
''I want to broaden the scope of the magazine to include more items
also of interest to readers beyond the U.S. and Canada, and to
encourage more foreign readers to share their perspectives with us.''
Tom Taormina, meanwhile, will stay busy with his new business, as
well as operating from home and helping in the construction of a new
''super station'' nearby.
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