Robert Brown n7stu at
Thu Jul 1 20:44:25 EDT 1993

Here is a summary of our (W6YL) FD score compared to W6PYX.  Would like 

see other class 2A scores from front running stations.


Msg #1724  From: AD6E  Date: 30-Jun 0646Z  Subj: FD: W6YL vs W6PYX


Here is the band by band breakdown comparison:


 80      45         75         28        113

 40     330        393        232        202

 20     458        524        587        516

 15     227        167        483        210

 10       0          0          0          0

NOVICE   15          0        223          5

VHF/UHF   1          6        136         52

OSCAR     0          1         62          0

PACKET   47          5          -          -

TOTALS 1123       1171       1751       1098



TOTAL QSOs:  W6YL = 2874    W6PYX = 2277

QSO POINTS:         7994            6906

BONUS PTS:           900            1000

FINAL SCORE:        8894            7906


both stations class 2A.  W6YL had 13 people, W6PYX had only 6 (!)

Based on last yrs scores, W6YL would place 5th, W6PYX would place 11th

  W6YL incl: AD6E, AA6FB, KL6BV,       W6PYX incl:  W1FEA, WN4KKN

             WB6ZLM, KH6N, WR6K,                    W6PYX, NX6R,

             N6XVK, N6HBI, WA6BXH                   K2BA, KC6EWK

             N7STU, KA6SPN, KK6NR, KD6VZQ


**copied from DXPSN**


73, Robert N7STU/YB2ARO        N7STU at THETECH.COM  

                               N7STU at N0ARY.#NOCAL.CA.USA.NA

n7stu at
The Tech Museum of Innovation

>From Fred Hopengarten" <lectroid!jjmhome!k1vr!k1vr at  Thu Jul  1 16:21:23 1993
From: Fred Hopengarten" <lectroid!jjmhome!k1vr!k1vr at (Fred Hopengarten)
Date: Thu, 01 Jul 1993 11:21:23 EDT
Subject: CT, a 286 + DOS 6.0
Message-ID: <2c3300f9.k1vr at k1vr.UUCP>

Msg #1030  From: K1VR  Date:  1-Jul 1507Z  Subj: News: CT,
286, DOS 6.0
I use a 286 computer for hamming, and have recently
installed DOS 6.0.
I use DoubleSpace (though the buzz is that you are better
off to use
Stacker).  I have EMM on an Everex board and 4 MB RAM.
Before DOS 6,
CT would tell me that I could make about 13,000 QSO's (with
DOS 3.3 and
later DOS 5). Now, with DOS 6, I seem unable to use my EMM
and CT tells
me that I can only make about 2300 QSO's.

1.  This is a warning to the CT Users world.
2.  Though DOS 6 has instructions on how to get back your
EMM if you have
    a 386 or 486 computer, I haven't found instructions on
how to do it
    for a 286. Any tips?

-- Fred K1VR >NO1A (or k1vr!k1vr at
K1VR de NO1A    1-Jul 1509Z >
Fred Hopengarten K1VR
Six Willarch Road, Lincoln, MA 01773-5105
home + office telephone:  617/259-0088 (FAX on demand)
"Big antennas, high in the sky, are better than small ones, low."

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