Latest CT version, updates

Skelton, Tom TSkelton at engineer.clemsonsc.NCR.COM
Mon Jul 12 15:14:00 EDT 1993

I purchased CT version 4.something years ago, and then
updates for version 5 and 6.  I somehow missed 7, but would
now like to upgrade to version 8.x (or should I wait for 9?).

What is the latest version?  Also, does anyone know if I
will have to pay the full "new price" since I didn't buy
version 7 or can I get version 8 at the "upgrade" price?

As I consider CT to be a not-for-profit venture (it is
clearly advertised as a "club" project), I hope no one will
take offense at my asking these questions on the net.

Thanks for any and all info.  73, Tom WB4IUX
(tskelton at ncrclm.ClemsonSC.NCR.COM)

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