IOTA Contest this weekend
Laurence Mason
laurence at
Fri Jul 23 11:46:00 EDT 1993
This weekend is the first Islands On The Air contest. This is a new contest
introduced by the RSGB HF Contests committee in conjunction with the RSGB
IOTA Committee.
I have attached a copy of the rules below for those who have not seen them
We look forward to hearing as many of you on as possible.
Laurence G4HTD, for the RSGB HFCC.
laurence at
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RSGB Islands on the Air Contest 1993
The Radio Society of Great Britain invites radio amateurs worldwide to
participate in the first ISLANDS ON THE AIR CONTEST, July 1993
1. General. The contest is intended to promote contacts between stations
in qualifying IOTA island groups and the rest of the world, to encourage
expeditions to IOTA islands, and to enhance the amateur spirit particularly
between British Isles stations and those in other countries. Note that the
term "UK" in these rules is used to mean G, GI, GM and GW only.
2. When. 1200 UTC Saturday 24th July to 1200 UTC Sunday 25th July 1993.
UK stations must not use 3.5 and 7 MHz from 1200-1600 UTC and
from 0800-1200 UTC.
3. Entrants. UK entrants must be RSGB members - refer to the general rules
for HF contests published in January 1993 Radio Communication.
4. Bands and Mode. 3.5, 7, 14, 21 and 28MHz, SSB only. In accordance with
IARU resolutions, no operation must take place on 3.65-3.7MHz and
5. Sections
(a) UK Multiband
UK stations only, single or multi-operator
(b) UK LF
UK stations single operator. 3.5 and 7MHz only in a maximum of 8 hours
operation which must be in no more than three sessions, with off periods
clearly marked in the log.
(c) UK HF
UK stations single operator. 14, 21 and 28MHz only, in a maximum of 8 hours
operation which must be in no more than three sessions, with off periods
clearly marked in the log.
(d) IOTA Island Stations
Stations on an island with an IOTA reference, for example AS234. This
category includes GD, GJ, GU. Entrants are advised to confirm validity by
reference to the IOTA directory available from the RSGB IOTA committee.
(e) World (listed by continent)
Any station not in sections 5(a) - (d) above.
(f) Short Wave Listener (listed by continent)
See section 10. Listings will be according to the number of entries.
6. Exchange. Scoring contacts are between stations in different DXCC
countries. UK stations may not work each other for points. Exception: a
station may be worked in the same country (and UK may work UK) for a new
multiplier, with QSO points of zero. Send RS and serial number starting
from 001, plus IOTA reference number if applicable.
(Note: mainland G/GM/GW = EU005, GI/EI = EU115).
7. Scoring
(a) QSO Points
Each contact with an IOTA island (including UK): 15 points. Other contacts
count 5 points.
(b) Multiplier
The multiplier is the total of different IOTA references contacted on each
band added together.
(c) Total Score
The score is the total of QSO points on all bands added together,
multiplied by the total of multipliers on all bands.
8. Logs. UK stations must use a Summary Sheet and RSGB-style log sheets.,
plus an alphabetical checklist ('dup sheet') and multiplier list for each
band. Other entrants may use log sheets in local format, and, for each
band: a separate log, a list of multipliers, and an alphabetical checklist;
also include a summary sheet for the whole contest. Logs must show: Time,
Callsign, RS/serial number/IOTA reference sent, RS/serial number/IOTA
reference received, multiplier claimed, and QSO points. Logs on computer
disk are welcomed, in accordance with RSGB format. Log deadline (to arrive
in England) is 31 August 1993; non-UK entrants should use Airmail. Send
logs to: RSGB IOTA Contest, c/o S. Knowles G3UFY, 77 Bensham Manor Road,
Thornton Heath, Surrey, CR7 7AF, England. Checklogs from non-entrants are
welcome. Entrants in the UK LF and HF sections must include a checklog of
any contest QSOs made on ineligible bands.
9. Penalties. Points may be deducted, or entrants disqualified, for
violation of the rules or the spirit of the contest (this includes refusal
by IOTA island stations to make contacts with their own country when
requested). Duplicate contacts must be marked as such with no points
claimed. Unmarked duplicates will be penalised at ten times the claimed
points, and excessive duplicates may cause disqualification.
10. SWL Contest. SWLs must log stations only outside their own country
(outside the UK for UK stations), except for new multipliers. Scoring is as
for the transmitting contest. Logs must be separate for each band, and show
Time, Callsign of station heard, RS/serial number/IOTA reference sent,
RS/serial number/IOTA reference received, callsign of station being worked,
multiplier claimed, and QSO points. Under "callsign of station being
worked", there must be at least two other QSOs before a callsign is
repeated, or else ten minutes must have elapsed. If both sides of a QSO can
be heard, they can be logged separately for points if appropriate.
11. Awards. Certificates will be awarded to leading stations in each
section, and in each continent, according to entry.
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