No subject

Doug.Grant at Doug.Grant at
Thu Mar 4 14:43:00 EST 1993

I have both a 930 and a 940. A while ago, N6BV, W1RR, and I tested the
receivers for phase noise and spurs, and compared them to a new TS-850 and a
vintage TS-830. I think Dean intends to write up the results somewhere

Anyway, what I recall is that my mid-serial number 930 with several mods was
pretty good for phase noise, but loaded with spurs. My mid-serial number 940
with all the latest mods had a much smaller number of spurs, but still a lot
of phase noise - it seemed to have a much different shape, wider in frequency
as I recall, but it was a while ago...

The 850 was absolutely spur-free, and the phase noise was also quite good. Too
bad there are so many other things we didn't like about the radio. The 830 was
also pretty good, but alas, we have all grown accustomed to the convenience of
digital frequency control.

Sure hope someone introduces a new, clean radio with the right features for a
serious contester ( a Real Contest Radio(tm) ) for under $2000 at Dayton.

Doug   K1DG

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