Phone test

robert penneys penneys at
Sun Mar 7 23:38:18 EST 1993

Instead of guest-opping at a decent station (AA1K etc.) within the FRC fold, we decided to put together a mini-m/m at home, deed-restricted though it be.

We had two 440s and an 850, one small amp (30L-1), a TA-33 at 20', an R-5, another vertical, a windom for 80-10, a 40 to 160 sloper, and an inverted L, none over 30'. Without filters or decent antennas or power, we weren't loud enough to run, 
but we worked out a few things and the computers and packet ran well.

About 700Q x 300M for 600K+, a bit of a first step.

Thanks for all the support.

Gene, NY3C    Dale, WW3F      Bob, WN3K      FRC in Newark, DE

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