bob at bob at
Mon Mar 8 14:13:00 EST 1993

>Writes Tom, WB4IUx:
>>3.  Some contest expeditioners still think its good practice to repeatedly
>     ignore "what's your call?" requests when a good run is going...fact is,
>     if guys are having to ask REPEATEDLY then you're not giving your call
>     enough and you may be losing QSO's from the casual operator.  With
>     short contest calls, you call say your callsign in less than 1 second 
>     make your customers (the stateside stations you want to get in your
>     log) very happy.  To me, you should never go more than 3 QSO's
>     without giving your call -- that's about 30 seconds in a good run and 
>     too long to wait.
>I couldn't agree more.  If I don't hear a call after about 3 contacts, I
>work him and ask for the call.  If it's  dupe, that's not my fault.  I haven't
>had anyone refuse to tell me the call after I worked him, but if anyone
>does, he'll probably get another call later.  The top logs ARE checked against
>others, so if enough of us don't get these guys' calls in our logs, some
>of them should get disqualified.
>Heard several times during the contest:  "How am I suppose to know whether
>I've already worked you?"
>Scott    K9MA

I wonder how many calls everybody else waits?  Lately, I have been
waiting ONE QSO.  My time is just as important as the DX station's.
I can't afford to waste my time either.  After one QSO, I'll work
them and ask for the station's call.  If it's a dupe, that was
their fault, not mine.

Bob K2PH

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