New Englanders and Illegal Power !

NB7241000-LondonSMDR230524 n2ic at
Tue Mar 9 13:00:24 EST 1993

Having operated from one of those winning New England stations, I find
KB2NMV's insinuations about illegal power and large arrays a little insulting.

While operating at one K1 who does multi-X in every contest, and visiting
another K1 who often does M/S and M/2, I saw no amplifiers remotely
capable of any power more than 1 dB above the legal limit.  I can only think
of one New Englander who probably runs grossly illegal power, and he
doesn't do contests !

As far as large arrays goes, I don't know what a "six over two" is ???
Six elements over two elements, or six elements over six elements ?  What
do you think the K1EA station is really running ?  When I was there, it
was nothing more than 4 over 4 over 4 over 4 on 10 and 15.  Only the
top 4 was rotatable - the bottom 3 beams were fixed on EU.  And these
4 element beams were nothing special - stock Cushcraft, with their
overly short 1st director (significantly hurting gain), and relatively
short boom lengths.  If KN2M can afford $2K for cranes every few
months, he can sure afford a few more beams fixed on EU.

Please don't try to tell me how being in Buffalo is so bad compared to
New England.  You have some legitimate local competition who have no
better propagation - K3TUP, K3LR, VE3EJ.  They are kicking your butts.  Even
the K0RF M/2 beat you - with absolutely no stacked beams on any band.

Steve, N2IC/0

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