qsy'ing for a mult

James Brooks 0005851359 at mcimail.com
Wed Mar 10 11:37:00 EST 1993

In response to all the comments about DX-weenies who don't 
identify, consider this:
	Living in a multiplier country can bring out
the most awful habits from a "stateside-weenie" who's CQ
I happen to answer.  It happens every contest, and it
happened again this time too.  Please get this straight 
BANDS FOR YOUR MULT!  It's absolutely amazing how many
ops stateside just don't realize that in this part of the
world our window to the U.S. can be no more than 2 to 3 hours
most of the time with only one band open, per hour, so when
you say "look for us on 10" and I yell "no propagation"
- it seems to fall on deaf ears.
	Because of propagation restrictions this
is especially annoying during ARRL DX.  All those Yo-Yo's who
moan about the Sunday afternoon blues should understand that
from out here, it's the "42 hour" blues, and what time we do
have to work stateside is so limited, we'd rather
get all the mults we can get rather than have to QSY for
every one who asks.   	 
	Not to say that asking the DX station to QSY to
another band for a mult is wrong - I do it myself all
the time - but please be considerate.  Consider the DX
op himself, ask if he has the time for you; be friendly.
How many times have I heard the multi-mutli op yell across
the room to in his own shack without first even asking the
DX if it's OK by him.  On one occasion, the stateside op
got so fired up about moving the DX to another band, he
didn't even give his report/state first!  It happened to 
be a neighbour of mine who had this experience, and it was
rather embarrasing to have to "explain" this behaviour.
	To encourage more contest newcomers in countries
like this is beneficial to everyone.  More mults to go
around, and more fun on both sides.  A little courtesy
in this area helps a great deal
     --James,  9V1YC     (BROOKSJA at MCIMAIL.COM)

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