10 m Grounwave Contest? Sounds fun!

Kim Elmore elmore at brightband.rap.ucar.EDU
Wed Mar 10 08:37:49 EST 1993

> We also run an annual local "10 Meter Groundwave" contest for 4 hours, 
> using counties as multipliers.  Had around 100 participants this year, most 
> of which were techs and novices.  A lot of the calls first heard there are
> starting to show up in SS and other contests.
> de Hans, K0HB

	Gee, how about some details on this one; sounds like it could
be a fun way to introduce people to contesting!


			Kim Elmore, [N5OP, PP ASEL/Glider 2232456]
*  _._. __._ _.. _.._ _.. . _. ..... ___ .__. _. ..... ___ .__. _.. _.._ _._  *
*    Said by NQ0I while working on his shack:                                 *
*		"All these *wires*!  Why do they call it `wireless'!?"        *
*  _._. __._ _.. _.._ _.. . _. ..... ___ .__. _. ..... ___ .__. _.. _.._ _._  *

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