Contest Open House

mross at mross at
Wed Mar 10 12:19:11 EST 1993

---------------Original Message---------------
I have volunteered to have a "Contest Open House" on Saturday PM of
WPX Phone.  A group of about 20 kids, who are participating in a local
intro. to ham radio program, will be at my shack.  These kids range from 7 to 15
years old.  About 25% are unlicensed, 25% Technician, 25% Technician Plus,
25% General.  From what I have been told, some of these kids are just getting to
the point where they have stumbled onto HF contests, but don't really
understand what it's all about.
My plans are to have some handouts of a general nature about contesting, and
another handout with a typical WPX exchange.  I was figuring on showing them
how it's done, then encouraging them to try it themselves.  I have been
told that these kids are very computer literate, so I am planning on
having CT running with packet, and another PC running K3NA's greyline
software (it's really impressive looking !).

I need suggestions on what else I should be doing.  What works ? What doesn't
work ?

Steve, N2IC/0

Yo Steve:
Let me know if you need some help with this......Marv

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