J.P. Kleinhaus 74660.2606 at CompuServe.COM
Wed Mar 10 18:48:56 EST 1993

Hi Hans, I will answer you with NO flame (a real rarity around here it 
seems).  My exposure to DX
contesting has been with both 24 and 48 hour events.  Each has their own 
set of good things
and bad things, but that is the nature of the particular event.  I see no 
reason to change the
"feel" of the event so that other people can be mediocre.  Don't get me 
wrong, I hate the
Sunday afternoon doldrums the same as the next guy, but that is part of 
learning to contest
in a 48 hour event.
The problem of increasing participation will not be solved by a 24 hour 
category but rather by
other tangible incentives.  How about awarding stations who for different 
levels of participation
by the number of contacts they make?  For example, a certificate for 500 or 
1000 Q's but not
a whole sub-category of contesters.  There are plenty of 24 hour events 
available to those
who can only operate 24 hours.  I would also suggest that stations that 
appear  in the top-10 boxes
not be eligible for these sub-categories.  The aim is to get more people on 
the air and making Q's,
so why not reward them for that rather than breaking up the event into two?

73 de J.P.  AA2DU
74660.2606 at

PS: Is your beard really grey?

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