"Busted" calls.

Alan Brubaker alan at dsd.es.com
Fri Mar 26 13:20:58 EST 1993

When you choose to enter a contest, one of the things that you must
concede is that you agree to the decisions of the judges of the
sponsoring organization (or the contest committee). Everyone knows
that there are cheaters out there, and it is up to the judges to
decide whose logs are "clean" and whose aren't. We have all seen
fairly well known calls as well as not so well known calls in the
lists of disqualified entrants in past years. So it really does not
make much difference how these busted calls are determined - it is
still up to the judging committee to make those decisions. If they
are truly impartial (hopefully), there should be nothing for us to
worry about.

Alan, K6XO

alan at dsd.es.com

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