Final QSL / Which prefix??

Jay Kesterson K0GU x6826 jayk at
Mon Mar 29 12:17:05 EST 1993

I see no problem with just giving the call at the end of the QSO (and have
used this method on several SA/Carib trips). I usually only hear a few of
the top ops doing this in any given contest. Would think your call/QSO data
would be *at least* as likely to be good in these ops logs as in the ones
who say QSL QRZ XY0ABC. At least they gave their callsign every QSO.

A question for you WPX experts!?? Given the choice between using K0GU
or a 2x1 call in WPX CW which would you use? I played a bit last weekend
using NI0E. Could tell DX was answering my CQs but the DX was wiped out
by the 25th KB2 calling to get my prefix.

73, Jay K0GU                 jayk at

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